But I LOVE Starbucks !!



  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    What do I do? I've been drinking a nice warm 0 carb green tea on my way to work....but it's doesn't do anything for me :sad:

    I get my Vente China Green Tips from Starbucks with 2 Splenda. Zero calories. Love the energy spike ;)
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I also love Starbucks

    Skinny caramel macchiato for me

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm a Barista. It's our food that drags me in, and the cream (I LOVE whipped cream).

    Today was my first day back after a week's holiday and we done coffee tasting. CT was done today with Raspberry and Coconut loaf (I LOVE this cake), Skinny Stem Ginger and our new Strawberry Shortcake petite. I had some, of course, but had a little bit and no more. I was pretty proud of myself.

    Now to battle tomorrow. I'm already thinking about what I'm going to drink. I'm thinking a caramel coffee light, or an iced soya milk with sugar free hazelnut.

    But we'll see.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've been a cafe supervisor making Starbucks coffee for almost 8 years now, and the temptations can be very difficult to avoid. I'm certain that my poor choices over the years (daily iced quad venti no whip white chocolate mochas) helped lead to my weight gain. I slowly began to get a smaller size everyday, started getting less pumps of syrup, but eventually had to stop getting my daily drink because I really wanted to eat the calories that I was drinking. For me, beer consumption is harder to curb since I have no control over the calories and they go down sooo smoothly. I'm in college and work full-time, so drinking less caffeine just doesn't feel like an option. I've been successful by making sure that I have one cup of coffee at home before I go to work, and on my lunch I allow myself a doppio with one raw sugar, followed by lots of water chugging. I sip my drink, and savor every bit of it rather than just sucking it down. I'm not willing to add artificial sweetener to my drink, because my palate simply does not care for it and it doesn't seem worth it. No matter what, a barista with any amount of customer service skills will be happy to work with you to find out how to make your regular drink more healthy. I never thought that I'd like my old drink as much if I changed it, but cutting the syrup in half and adding more milk really didn't make it less delicious, and the added protein works good for days when I've done a lot of strength training. I still get my old fancy drink, just not often, and I make sure that it works into my calories/ macros for the day. So for me, finding a less costly ( $ and calories) alternative for my daily drink made it so that I don't feel bad splurging every now and again.


    Hello, fellow partner! :happy:
  • loridaisy1
    loridaisy1 Posts: 19 Member
    Venti Double Shot on ice, no syrup with non fat milk. 70 cals and yummy with 1 artificial sweetener.
  • bluecal822
    bluecal822 Posts: 21 Member
    get a tall instead of a venti, that's what I have to do