alternative to 30 day shred?



  • bktibbetts
    bktibbetts Posts: 140
    I've been doing level 1 and had my NSV when I could actually do some of the jumping jacks or push ups. I get a little better every day. I too have knee problems - have had surgery, but I know my body and I can modify based on what kind of a day I'm having. After being on level 1 for 37 days, I still have days when I jog in place instead of jumping jacks. I love the 30 day shred.
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    I also have issues with my knees, but I find swimming doesn't bother them at all. Also, I just finished "watching" the Power 90 video, part one and it is low or no impact and totally at your own pace. The jumping jacks can be walked side to side rather than jumped. The focus was on just to keep moving and do what you can at first. I plan to start it tomorrow.
  • UphillBattleAxe
    UphillBattleAxe Posts: 57 Member
    I'm fan of the Davina dvd's - there is always a low impact variation and you get a really good workout. My calorie burn is always equal to if not greater than with 30 day shred.
  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    The 30DS level 1 is on youtube under the channel befit. Maybe you can check it out for free on there before you decide to purchase it.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    I was thinking about buying the 30 day shred, but I've read a few reports about it and it seems to be really tough on the knees, My knees are not in the best shape :( .... I can run walk and jog fine but while walking upstairs they make a terrible crunching noise, so I'm guessing it would be a bad thing for me to do the 30 day shred?

    Can anyone suggest an alternative DVD that's not so tough on knees, or is there an option in the 30DS to go "lighter" on the knees?

    thanks :)

    i have a bad knee thanks to a torn acl and a bad reconstruction. i didn't have problems with 30DS as long as i modified the jumping moves. lunges were difficult at times, but not awful. my knees also make that lovely crunching noise. it's the cartilage. the stronger your quads, the more they protect your knee. also, you can do hamstring curls, but don't do weighted extensions. even though you don't feel it in your knee, it can really impact them....
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am in love with the Extreme Makeover DVD featuring Chris Powell, I actually used my HRM and get a better burn on EM level 2 than I did on 30DS level 1. The EM dvd has modifications that make it low impact, I have a bad knee and couldn't move on to level 2 of 30 DS so I moved on to level 3 of EM and I actually am alternating it with level 2 because I feel like I get a better all over workout that way.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    depends. how are you with lunges? you could always not jump on those particular moves they have you do. ab work should be easy and the strength training portion should be as well. it's only 2minutes of cardio per circuit (3 rounds)
  • CarrieAnne22
    CarrieAnne22 Posts: 231 Member
    The 30DS level 1 is on youtube under the channel befit. Maybe you can check it out for free on there before you decide to purchase it.

    ^^^this. I also have knee problems, I was in a car accident a year and a half ago that left me with tissue damage in my right knee. I will admit that I really liked the Shred and was seeing some good results from it, but it was definitely hard on both of my knees, not just the previously injured right one. In level 1, I mostly just modified the jumping jacks, but on Level 2 by day 5 I was modifying almost everything to the point that I didn't even feel I was doing the same workout anymore. I stopped at that point, but my co-worker who was doing it at the same time as myself and has no knee problems said that Level 3 was even harder on the knees and she even had some pain and problems with it. I personally go back and do Level 1 here and there as I like, but will probably not be going on to the other levels again. I've even started running and that is not as hard on my knees.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Thanks so much for all the fantastic ideas so far :) I think I have all your ideas here :)

    Judging from some of the comments I am going to be able to modify it quite easily (especially with the help of the other woman on the right ) :D ... going to have a look at level 1 for free also(thanks for that info)

    Squats are almost impossible for me to do (and not really due to pain, I don't have much pain, its more uncomfortable and with the un-earthy crunch that comes from behind my knee caps, it kinda puts me off) eeeeek!!! Thanks for the advice of standing on the full foot lol, I do tend to go up stairs on my toes oops...... My "knee problems" are neither diagnosed by me nor my doctor :) its simply a crunching and popping behind my knee caps which is getting better the more weight I lose ... but I don't want to do it any harm by pushing myself . Doc thinks it might be broken cartilage but no tests have been done as yet. pulsing the moves sounds like a great idea, thanks :) I find a DVD, rather than strength at the gym will help me stay on track and show me proper form when moving, I have two left feet lol, also the reason dancing is out, I tried zumba and kept bumping into the other ladies :blushing:

    spinning on a bike after 10 mins causes a bit of pain same with rowing :( I have never done a lunge lol so no idea how I would be with them, might need to look them up to see what they are :blushing: I enjoy swimming although Ive not been in a while, need to get back there .... :)

    I'm looking out for

    10 minute solution carbs and calories Netflix....
    knee stabilizer, ill keep that in mind in case its tough for me to do
    Pilates, I used to do that in a class (murder haha) but I guess good for tone and a little weight loss
    Julian Micheals Ripped in 30
    Turbo Jam by Chalene (BeachBody) workout
    Power 90 video
    Davina dvd's
    Extreme Makeover DVD featuring Chris Powell

    Again thanks to you all :flowerforyou: :) Ill get checking these things out