I am sooo tired of this plateau!

It has been a couple months now that I have been stuck at 136, and I can not seem to get the scale to budge! I want to get down to 130 in the worst way. I have changed my eating. I upped my cardio from 10 minutes to 25 6 days a week. And I'm taking CLA. I don't know what I am doing wrong that I can't shed a pound! My diary if open if anyone would like to view it to tell me if I'm eating anything horribly bad for me. I'd love some tips, pointers, or advice. I came across SparkPeople.com and saw that they can make you a personalized nutrition chart and training chart to get you to where you want to be but I'm skeptical. Thanks!!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Are you doing any weight lifting? Increasing muscle mass may actually help you reach your goal. Have you changed the TYPE of cardio you're doing? After a while your body builds up muscle memory and begins to get a lot more efficient at what you're doing. A new workout DVD may be what you need to break the awful plateau!
  • CourtneyB610
    Are you doing any weight lifting? Increasing muscle mass may actually help you reach your goal. Have you changed the TYPE of cardio you're doing? After a while your body builds up muscle memory and begins to get a lot more efficient at what you're doing. A new workout DVD may be what you need to break the awful plateau!

    I am doing some weight lifting!! And I stick to the elliptical usually because I seem to burn the most calories on that! I go to the Gym 6 days a week too. Thank you for the tips!!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    My opinion, take it or leave it, is that you are not eating enough. Most of the days where you have logged the whole day are less than 1200 calories. With few exceptions, you should be eating at least 1200 calories a day and possibly some of your exercise calories too.
  • CourtneyB610
    My opinion, take it or leave it, is that you are not eating enough. Most of the days where you have logged the whole day are less than 1200 calories. With few exceptions, you should be eating at least 1200 calories a day and possibly some of your exercise calories too.

    I forgot to log over the weekend or only logged a little.. I'm usually great at logging but was just super busy over the weekend! Lol. Should I eat higher calorie foods, or eat more of what I'm already consuming?! And thank you! I'll def. take your advice.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    Hi Courtney. Are you logging all of your food? I don't see any milk logged with your cereal, are you eating it dry? If you are logging all of your food, you most likely are not eating enough. Great idea bumping up your cardio to try to break through the plateau. You may want to try intervals if you aren't already - alternate between high and low intensity to increase your fat burn. But the extra cardio will work against you if you aren't eating enough. Now that you are close to goal, your deficit should be small, only 250-300 calories per day. You may be changing your body composition - body fat % - rather than scale weight, so take measurements to check your progress there as well if you aren't already. WTG with your progress so far! :flowerforyou:
  • CourtneyB610
    Hi Courtney. Are you logging all of your food? I don't see any milk logged with your cereal, are you eating it dry? If you are logging all of your food, you most likely are not eating enough. Great idea bumping up your cardio to try to break through the plateau. You may want to try intervals if you aren't already - alternate between high and low intensity to increase your fat burn. But the extra cardio will work against you if you aren't eating enough. Now that you are close to goal, your deficit should be small, only 250-300 calories per day. You may be changing your body composition - body fat % - rather than scale weight, so take measurements to check your progress there as well if you aren't already. WTG with your progress so far! :flowerforyou:

    Ahhhh I haven't been logging my milk!!! That never crossed my mind for some reason! Thank you for noticing that!! How can cardio work against you if you aren't eating enough?? I'm curious now!! Lol. I will start measuring.
  • CourtneyB610
    Hi Courtney. Are you logging all of your food? I don't see any milk logged with your cereal, are you eating it dry? If you are logging all of your food, you most likely are not eating enough. Great idea bumping up your cardio to try to break through the plateau. You may want to try intervals if you aren't already - alternate between high and low intensity to increase your fat burn. But the extra cardio will work against you if you aren't eating enough. Now that you are close to goal, your deficit should be small, only 250-300 calories per day. You may be changing your body composition - body fat % - rather than scale weight, so take measurements to check your progress there as well if you aren't already. WTG with your progress so far! :flowerforyou:

    Ahhhh I haven't been logging my milk!!! That never crossed my mind for some reason! Thank you for noticing that!! How can cardio work against you if you aren't eating enough?? I'm curious now!! Lol. I will start measuring.

    Ohh and thank you! You too!
  • kleighsamboer
    you're not eating enough food and you're eating too much processed crap. Your body is starving. Try eating things like salmon, avocados, nuts/seeds, fruit, dark leafy greens, lots of fresh veg.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    If you aren't eating enough your body will hold onto everything - what most people call starvation mode. Instead of thanking you for the exercise and letting go of fat, your body will hold onto it because you are making it work hard and not feeding it to keep it fueled.

    Try to calculate your maintenance calorie level (fitnessfrog.com has good calculators) and eat 250-300 fewer calories than that per day. I'm sure it is more than you're eating now, even without logging milk and who knows what else! LOL.

    Some nutritious options: Try Kashi Go Lean cereal instead of Cocoa Pebbles
    Unsweetened almond milk (only 15-20 cals per half cup)
    grilled chicken
    Oroweat HealthFull english muffins

    I take CLA too and definitely think it helps!
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    whenever I hit a plateau i start zig zaggin my calories and it usually works for me. oh and i also switch up my exercise too.
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    It has been a couple months now that I have been stuck at 136, and I can not seem to get the scale to budge! I want to get down to 130 in the worst way. I have changed my eating. I upped my cardio from 10 minutes to 25 6 days a week. And I'm taking CLA. I don't know what I am doing wrong that I can't shed a pound! My diary if open if anyone would like to view it to tell me if I'm eating anything horribly bad for me. I'd love some tips, pointers, or advice. I came across SparkPeople.com and saw that they can make you a personalized nutrition chart and training chart to get you to where you want to be but I'm skeptical. Thanks!!

    I recommend trying the 1st cycle of the 17 Day diet. That really help the scale move for me.. Since you only have 6lbs to lose this will surely help. :)
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi..your not eating enough calories, especially for your activity level...don't go below 1200 ever because your body will go into starvation mode and store everything you eat! Drink more water too!:)
  • CourtneyB610
    If you aren't eating enough your body will hold onto everything - what most people call starvation mode. Instead of thanking you for the exercise and letting go of fat, your body will hold onto it because you are making it work hard and not feeding it to keep it fueled.

    Try to calculate your maintenance calorie level (fitnessfrog.com has good calculators) and eat 250-300 fewer calories than that per day. I'm sure it is more than you're eating now, even without logging milk and who knows what else! LOL.

    Some nutritious options: Try Kashi Go Lean cereal instead of Cocoa Pebbles
    Unsweetened almond milk (only 15-20 cals per half cup)
    grilled chicken
    Oroweat HealthFull english muffins

    I take CLA too and definitely think it helps!

    Yea I'm a kid when it comes to cereal! Lol I love Special K too! I will def. try a healthier cereal and almond milk sounds delcious!!!
  • CourtneyB610
    whenever I hit a plateau i start zig zaggin my calories and it usually works for me. oh and i also switch up my exercise too.

    Thank you!!!
  • CourtneyB610
    It has been a couple months now that I have been stuck at 136, and I can not seem to get the scale to budge! I want to get down to 130 in the worst way. I have changed my eating. I upped my cardio from 10 minutes to 25 6 days a week. And I'm taking CLA. I don't know what I am doing wrong that I can't shed a pound! My diary if open if anyone would like to view it to tell me if I'm eating anything horribly bad for me. I'd love some tips, pointers, or advice. I came across SparkPeople.com and saw that they can make you a personalized nutrition chart and training chart to get you to where you want to be but I'm skeptical. Thanks!!

    I recommend trying the 1st cycle of the 17 Day diet. That really help the scale move for me.. Since you only have 6lbs to lose this will surely help. :)

    Thank you so much! I'm trying to google it. I guess you can't see it online and I'd have to buy the book??
  • CourtneyB610
    Hi..your not eating enough calories, especially for your activity level...don't go below 1200 ever because your body will go into starvation mode and store everything you eat! Drink more water too!:)

    I'm horrrrrrible with water. And thank you!!! I will def. use what you said!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You're very welcome! I've been helping people break their plateaus for years while never overcoming one of my own. LOL!

    Other tips is to drink more water. It's amazing what some extra water can do. Even for a few days. Definitely during exercise, it keeps me going on a long treadmill run! Don't worry as much about how much you burn more about how you feel following the workout. My BF is doing an hour on the elliptical and not hurting, while 15 minutes on the treadmill is killer for him. He still gets great calorie burns doing both, but it changes up the direction the muscles are used! I hoped on a bike the other day, boy that felt weird afterwards!
    Sometimes eating more protein and fat and less carbs can help. Especially if you are sensitive to them (carbs). Some people find carb cycling really useful, where they eat different amounts of carbs each day, in a specified pattern.
    How about increasing your weights? It really gets those muscles powering!

    Hope something here helps!
  • crazywifewczx
    crazywifewczx Posts: 23 Member
    recently i have hit a plateau too so i have introduced lemon juice into my diet to see if it's gonna help. I start with the juice of one medium lemon in warm water first thing in the morning befor anything else. This is supposed to help get your digestion going and help your body break things down faster. It also get other things moving faster too so this may help with the last 6lbs you say you need to lose. I have also started to take it in cold water right befor my third meal of the day i'm hoping to see some weight loss by next week. Good luck
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    I peeked at your diary and have to agree- you are not eating very well! Lots of processed, refined carbs, which your body will pretty much process like it does sugar. Not good. Making the switch to nutrient dense foods will REALLY help you in so many ways (I'm vain, lol, and eat to feed my hair and skin as well). Take a good multi vitamin first off, and start switching to whole grain products and add loads of veggies!! With the season changing, the farmers markets will be open soon (**yay**) and it is a great opportunity for you to try new, fresh local produce. I love to let my daughter pick out a new veggie each trip and we cook it together- it can be a great experience for kids and us grown ups :-). Every bite of food that we put into or bodies does something- good or bad. Making good things the priority will change your body and your health, and might just help you break that plateau as well. Good luck!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    My opinion, take it or leave it, is that you are not eating enough. Most of the days where you have logged the whole day are less than 1200 calories. With few exceptions, you should be eating at least 1200 calories a day and possibly some of your exercise calories too.

    This. You have very little to lose. You should not be eating below your BMR at this point, but I am guessing you are. For that matter, you probably should not have a calorie deficit of greater than 250 calories a day (goal of .5 pounds per week). Change your goal, eat all the calories you are supposed to, and it will likely start coming off.