Female Lifters

gabwas Posts: 28 Member
I am around 30 lbs from my goal weight and have recently fallen in love with running and zumba. I am in good shape and strong. In high school I was much bigger and a competitive shot-putter. For my training I lifted heavy weights as a part of the bigger-faster-stronger program that the male football players used. It worked. I got faster, stronger and bigger. I have resisted lifting weights to date because of it. I do yoga, very light weights, calisthenics (push-ups/bench dips) in addition to my cardio work, but I resist the heavy stuff. I am at a plateau and have read so much about ladies lifting heavy that I am intrigued, but scared. I have athletic, muscular build and have a tendency to bulk up. I guess in some ways I am looking for my fellow MFPers to talk me into lifting heavy, but I am very curious if some women have similar histories and are now lifting heavy and what they think. Looking forward to hearing from you all!


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    im similar. i gain muscle and strength quickly. due to my past experience as an athlete (swam and played soccer and rugby) i did lots of weights.

    what ive discovered for my body, at least until i get this excess fat off, eating at maintenance or above = bulky
    eating at a 30% deficit = weight loss. this way im maintaining the muscle while i lose weight but silk getting the strength gains that heavy lifting gives.

    if you're that close to your goal weight, maybe only do 10-20% less than your maintenance
  • KPainter70
    KPainter70 Posts: 152
    I started lifting weights in high school, then got into power lifting in my 20's. Now I'm back in the gym, lifting heavy and loving it. I've yet to meet a woman who really "bulks up" because of lifting. We just don't have the makeup to put on muscle that quickly. I'm actively trying to put on muscle and have only managed about a pound a month. It's really hard to build muscle.

    The main thing I'd suggest is go back to lifting while paying close attention to diet. Eat at maintenance or just under and you'll build a small amount of muscle (or just hang on to what you have) while reducing body fat. That seems more in line with what you're looking for.