Verizon phones! Droid 3?



  • baluroses
    baluroses Posts: 3 Member
    I just went from the env touch to the newest Droid it I have to say....I picked the Droid 4 vs. razr because of the keyboard and I don't regret it....however, it does require that nasty data package. =(
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I have the iphone...However, I have friends who have tried the droid 3 and returned it to get the iphone. completely up to you. but, i don't think you can go wrong with apple :)
    A iPhone fanboy shows up. Surprising.

    with no mention of having to pay for every app. or not being able to get 4G.

    (and have heard problems with them getting cracked all the time, actually.)
  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    Side by side same network my iPhone is faster than wife's 4g android. Many apps are free, plus they all work. Battery life is phenomenal. I was always a droid fan but had to see what the hype was about. Hard to argue with iPhones dependability and usability. No crashes, no freezes. But on battery life alone I think I will be sticking with the iPhone. I kind of miss my bigger screen but have gotten used to this one. The other post about Verizon prices is so right. I now pay 120 for three phones all with unlimited everything, sprint must be hard up for subscribers to be giving out that to new customers. They were very pleasant.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    i've had a couple friends (and my grandmother) all have droids of various models.
    all of them had some major issues and had to get new phones multiple times.
    one of my friends moved to the iPhone and her (really only) complaint is that sometimes, when she gets texts, the flash of her camera goes off.
    my other friend is still with his droid until his contract is up, but he's finally gotten one that's working and he's not thrilled that it's not an iPhone, but he still likes it.
    my grandmother doesn't understand phones, so i'm not sure why she even got a droid to begin with. i spent 15 minutes showing her how to access her texts and then last week, she managed to delete email from her phone. not emails, the whole email program.
    no matter what, with any smartphone, you will have to pay for a data package.

    personally, i have an iPhone 4. i've had it for close to a year now and no problems with it. no freezes, no cracked screens (seriously, you have to be like throwing the thing at the ground or run it over to crack it), and a pretty good battery life. i would recommend it if you're willing to pay for the data package, which, if you are after a smartphone, you'll have to do anyway.
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    Anything that is a droid, or an Iphone. Smartphone, has to have a datapackage and will be an extra $30 a month. My hubby just got the Samsung Brightside. It is similar to a smartphone, but it isn't. He really likes it.

    I have the LG extravert that I really like too. It is similar to the env, and rogue. But, i am wishing I had the phone like my hubby's.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    +1 to the iPhone club..
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    I had the first Droid X and had so many problems with it :angry: so now that I was able to upgrade, I got the iPhone 4S.

    exactly like me :)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    None of these phones will work without a data plan. You wont even be able to activate it. So if a data plan makes it a "no-go" then you might as well forget it. Side note, i have an HTC Rezound on verizon, and I much prefer it over the 4s i got my wife.........Iphones are ok for girls though.