Another newbie - nice to "meet" you. :-)

I've been scanning threads here, and figured I should introduce myself. I just signed up with MFP yesterday, and I'm pretty amazed at how comprehensive the whole thing is. I'm also annoyed at how much sugar there is in what I eat...who knew? And that's only a day and a half's worth of logging. Yikes!

Anyway, I've lost around 6lbs since December, and got stuck on a plateau which is what brought me here. I figured I needed to keep track of calories in vs. calories out so I can move in the right direction again (or change things up to do so).

I've added a couple people as friends that I saw in other threads, and will keep doing that (is that creepy? Hope not...). Feel free to add me if you'd like. :-)


  • I'm not even looking at sugar at this point. Just calories, protein, carb and fat. I think that's enough to start with.