I have NO food cravings

j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
Zero. Zilch. The thought of a cheeseburger never crosses my mind. Candy, cookies, sweets? Never. Fast food? Nope. I'm not even hungry at night anymore. It took about 6 weeks for the night hunger to go away. I used to go look in the fridge because I was hungry. It's f'n weird. This has never happened before.. the only thing I can attribute it to is cutting out almost all processed foods and eating high density, low glycemic foods. Anybody else experience this?


  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    Nope... not yet! But I sure would love to feel this way, LOL!!! I know processed foods is a big issue of mine... I just can't seem to get away from them! MUST.TRY.HARDER :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Real food. It works. I've noticed the same thing.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Once I got through the detox, I did. One good thing about eating right is you don't need to over eat to feel satisified. Congratulations on your success.:drinker:
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    Real food. It works. I've noticed the same thing.

  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Wow! I'm envious! I have the whole female craving issues. Iron cravings (red meat!!!) about once a month. Chocolate with a somewhat higher frequency. I do crave protein a lot too.

    Eating healthy, no processed junk you say? I'm going to do the best I can to repeat! I'd love to be (mostly) without cravings too!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I've been doing myfitfoods. pre-made healthy meals. i'm hooked!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    When I stick to real food & no starchy carbs or sugar I have the same thing! It's wonderful being free from worrying about food!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Zero. Zilch. The thought of a cheeseburger never crosses my mind. Candy, cookies, sweets? Never. Fast food? Nope. I'm not even hungry at night anymore. It took about 6 weeks for the night hunger to go away. I used to go look in the fridge because I was hungry. It's f'n weird. This has never happened before.. the only thing I can attribute it to is cutting out almost all processed foods and eating high density, low glycemic foods. Anybody else experience this?
    Same here.

    Perhaps you've made the transition?

    When you see food as a reward or as "comfort food", you're still in the old mindset.

    When you see food as fuel for the body, you're home free.

    I've though a lot about weight loss, the emotional side of it as well as the physical and nutritional aspects. My thinking is that I've returned to the attitude that I had about food for the first 35 years of my life — I've got to eat 'cause my body needs it but, if it were optional, I wouldn't bother to eat much.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Zero. Zilch. The thought of a cheeseburger never crosses my mind. Candy, cookies, sweets? Never. Fast food? Nope. I'm not even hungry at night anymore. It took about 6 weeks for the night hunger to go away. I used to go look in the fridge because I was hungry. It's f'n weird. This has never happened before.. the only thing I can attribute it to is cutting out almost all processed foods and eating high density, low glycemic foods. Anybody else experience this?
    Same here.

    Perhaps you've made the transition?

    When you see food as a reward or as "comfort food", you're still in the old mindset.

    When you see food as fuel for the body, you're home free.

    I've though a lot about weight loss, the emotional side of it as well as the physical and nutritional aspects. My thinking is that I've returned to the attitude that I had about food for the first 35 years of my life — I've got to eat 'cause my body needs it but, if it were optional, I wouldn't bother to eat much.

    That's what it is to me now.. just fuel. Pretty crazy!
  • Zero. Zilch. The thought of a cheeseburger never crosses my mind. Candy, cookies, sweets? Never. Fast food? Nope. I'm not even hungry at night anymore. It took about 6 weeks for the night hunger to go away. I used to go look in the fridge because I was hungry. It's f'n weird. This has never happened before.. the only thing I can attribute it to is cutting out almost all processed foods and eating high density, low glycemic foods. Anybody else experience this?
    Same here.

    Perhaps you've made the transition?

    When you see food as a reward or as "comfort food", you're still in the old mindset.

    When you see food as fuel for the body, you're home free.

    I've though a lot about weight loss, the emotional side of it as well as the physical and nutritional aspects. My thinking is that I've returned to the attitude that I had about food for the first 35 years of my life — I've got to eat 'cause my body needs it but, if it were optional, I wouldn't bother to eat much.

    That's what it is to me now.. just fuel. Pretty crazy!

    Yes. I'm there... I remember what they taste like and know I like it, but I don't want it... It's a good thing not to be controlled by food!
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    Me neither!!! I haven't even wanted red wine! Aside from my indulgences this past weekend (which I wasn't even that psyched about), I haven't wanted anything sweet or bad at all! I never really ate fast food before - maybe once or twice a year, but now it makes me sick to think about it...not to mention it's been a record 3 weeks since I've had pizza!!!! :noway:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    It's TRUE! I haven't had any meat, coffee, juices (other than homemade), soda pops, sugary sweet empty calories "stuff", no dairy nor anything processed/junk foods in 2 months now, and the cravings have completely GONE. They left me the same day I made a committed my body, soul, mind and this weight loss journey to The Lord. It's NOT that I can't have this stuff anymore--it's that I don't WANT it anymore:bigsmile:

    No temptation nothing, it's too fabulous. Amazing what saying NO to somethings and YES to others can change your entire outlook, tastes, desires and everything.


    Some people don't like the idea of self-denial, with the seemingly valid reasoning that denying yourself hurts your journey--and perhaps for some it does...but I'm THRILLED with the self-denial of my weight loss journey...it's more like a fabulous adventure to me--a whole new LIFE and lifestyle to/for me. I've gained so much more energy, vitality, self-control, patience and so much more...but as with everything--to each is own and one person's trash is another person's treasure--that what I ALWAYS say:wink:
  • jdp022
    jdp022 Posts: 11
    I can't say that I'm not looking forward to Taco Tuesday. The difference for me is I worked out and have plenty of calories left, and I'm not eating the normal amount I used to. I've cut it down to less than half. Yeah, its fast food, but I want to be realistic with my own situation and know that I'm not going to go the rest of my life without fast/processed/sweet foods. Good job for all of the rest of you that have no cravings!!! Hopefully in a few months I'll get there. =)
  • YES! The fewer the carbs I consume, the less cravings I get. MAGIC!
  • menutrit
    menutrit Posts: 19
    YES! When you regularly eat high sugar, fat, and/or salty foods it actually programs your brain to crave and depend on these kinds of food more for pleasure. Once you stop eating these kinds of food, your reward circuitry becomes less dependent on them and so you have less cravings. It's pretty awesome.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Good for you.

    My fiancée runs a weight loss clinic here in SoCal and she's told me that she can usually tell the folks who will do well on the program vs the folks who are going to have problems (it's a medically supervised weight loss program - < 1k cals).

    When she interviews people, if they're focused and receptive, they do very well. People who will typically drop 10% of their body mass in 10 weeks. These are their 6 essentials:

    1 - Make it your goal to be "Lean for Life"
    2 - Your level of interest and enthusiasm will determine your level of success.
    3 - Learn to recognize and eliminate your defensive barriers.
    4 - Learn to control cravings.
    5 - Learn to use relaxation techniques and stress less.
    6 - Maintain healthy behaviors and lasting success.

    Each one of those deals with emotional and psychological issues. It's very different from the "measurebation" that seems to occupy so many threads.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I'm the same way! If do have a craving, its for bacon! Haha, cutting out grains cut the cravings. I think the higher fat/protein manner of my diet keeps me satiated, which reduces that starving feeling which used to lead to a binge. Freedom from food :)
  • I had no cravings, but then I had a taste of junk food. It was all downhill from there....
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    You're not alone. I don't have food cravings either.... I just eat to eat. I guess it works out in the long run.