Logging Exercise : Do or Don't?

Opinions, please: I walk around a mile a day, at the very minimum, but I have no idea at what pace. I don't log short strolls like that as exercise because I don't feel like it burns enough calories to make that big a difference. I rarely eat my 1240 allowed calories/day. Should I start logging short walks just to see how many calories I do burn/earn, or not worry about it? I guess this kinda' falls into the "Should I eat my exercise calories?" category.


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    On one of your walks, note how long you're out. If you do about a mile every time, you can get your pace! Just estimate. On my normal, not too tough walks, I usually average about 2.8mph. I got kinda short legs, being 5'4" and all, but I sure can get them moving! ;)

    As for logging, if I go out for exercise, I log it. If I go "just to get moving" I don't. Personal preference I guess!
  • 2Big4MyBritches
    2Big4MyBritches Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks! I know my average pace is around 3.5 to 4 mph. The route I walk is 0.9 miles, and if I walk it 4 times, it takes right at 50 minutes. I just don't want to over-estimate, and I sometimes walk faster or slower. Sometimes (though rarely) one time through, sometimes 6 or 7. Depends on how much time I have and if I'm walking alone (when I move a little faster) or with a friend. Should I eat back the calories I burn (or some of them), in which case I guess I should log, or does it really make that much of a difference since I'm not really getting a vigorous workout in?
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I never log my walking my dogs or anything that does not work up a sweat. My gym time only gets track as strenght exercises not cardio.

    I never eat back my calories, but I have adjusted my calorie goals to what I need for my activity level not the recommendations by MFP.