Finally drank 8 glasses of water!!!!

This may sound strange to most of you, but i finally drank 8 glasses of water today. Before starting with mfp i drank only 2 to 3 glasses of water per day and i found this a chore. Since starting using mfp about a week and half ago i have gradually been upping my daily water intake and have reached my goal today, now all i need to do is maintain this water intake lol. Just thought i would share this small achievement with you's.


  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Yay for you!
  • speakingtall
    My water intake has fluctuated across the last few months. I recently purchased a "Bubba" water jug that holds 52oz of water. It has been easy for me to drink my water with the bubba - although, it's a complete hassle to take anywhere.

    Keep up the great work!
  • meanemma86
    thanks guys. since posting this i have actually drank another full glass, so yay. hope i can do it everyday now :)
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Awesome job! I love water so thankfully this is not one of the things I struggle with. Keep up the good work!
  • FarahIsm
    FarahIsm Posts: 6
    Im not a huge fan of water but I buy this 1QT bottle water for work and try to drink that whole bottle. I also bought this water bottle for my bag so I could drink more and then when I exercise I usually drink a whole bottle of water. My trick Is buy an Interesting looking bottle and It feels good to drink water thenn. Also I add lemon to my water It adds taste and It Is healthy for you.