MFP or Weight Watchers?



  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    I'm another one who came to MFP when trying to find NI for figuring WW points. I started following the WW Flex Plan four years ago, without ever joining WW. I bought the materials and started following the program on my own. I have a multiply handicapped child who needs care/supervision 24/7, so meetings aren't an option. Four years ago, I had 40 pounds to lose. I lost 16 pounds and then suffered the loss of a child. The grief overwhelmed me, and I basically went into survival mode for the next four years. My weight wobbled back and forth, but when I finally decided to continue losing weight I was the same weight (down 16 pounds) as when I stopped following WW.

    When I decided to start again, I investigated the new program and hated it---it was too complicated. The math for the Flex Plan is simple, and I can quickly do the math to figure points in my head. So I stayed with the old WW Flex Plan. I ended up here after the first couple weeks in order to find food values and was so impressed with the resources here and the active message boards that I've stayed.

    One thing that this has really assisted me with is determining the best use of my points/calories for nutritional purposes. It has helped me to take things I've enjoyed cooking for myself and others and figure out how to continue eating them---either by adjusting the recipe slightly or eating a smaller portion (usually both). This site also opened my eyes to how few calories 19 points equal. I often was eating only 800-850 calories a day. I didn't see how that could be good over time and decided I would be willing to accept slower weight loss in exchange for establishing good habits that I can live with over time. I had been in the habit of using no more than 19 points per day, saving all 35 of my flex points for the weekend. When the weekend came, I only ate a portion of those extra 35 points, meaning I really wasn't eating enough through the week. Seeing what I eat in my food diary here makes me comfortable in eating a bit more each day, while still leaving enough flexibility to eat more on the weekend when I go to a restaurant with family/friends for one meal.

    So I guess I'm using a hybrid of WW and MFP, with more emphasis on MFP than on WW. The MFP has definitely helped me to plan ahead and also be more relaxed in changing my eating habits for the better. I would agree that, if not sure, just continue with WW and track here for a while. You may find the answer as to what works best for you. Even if you decide to go back to WW, I would be surprised if you didn't decide to continue to participate here, as well, as there this site has so much to offer.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Can't you do both? Do the weight watcher plan if it is appealing but always count the calories. The nice thing about MFP is it makes it easier to make the right decisions about food because the database is so extensive and as close as your phone.
  • colobon
    colobon Posts: 49 Member
    It depends on you. Do you need a third party to weigh you in every week for accountability? Do you enjoy hanging out with people who share your goals and come away motivated? If so, then weekly meetings are for you. I was very successful on ww in the past, combined with etools. This time I stalled out going that route and switched to MFP. So far it's really re-motivated me. I do miss free fruits and veggies and probably eat less of them as a result.