Culled the friend list,now I feel bad.

The night before last I decided to cull my friend list.
I haven't done it before ,it was time but now I feel so bad for the ones I deleted. It feels kind of like I have gone up to someone and said to them to their face that I don't want to be your friend anymore. Not nice.
I've been finding my list too long for how I like to use it.
I'm not interested in having 100's of friends , this isn't Facebook but I do want a few people who interact with me on a regular basis.
I will support them and they me.
On that basis I decided to go through the list.
Some had already deactivated their account that was easy, phew. Deleted.
Then there were the ones that hadn't logged in for months, I looked at each of their accounts , no responses to notes I had previously left, so deleted.
Then I went through each of the others and asked myself, "what did I know of this person?" "Do they interact with me?"
There were people who logged in regularly , had sent me friend requests for reasons unknown to me and then never interacted ,so deleted. I don't see the point of having someone on my list if we don't interact. I understand we are on different time zones which can make it hard but it can be done. I have some wonderful pals from all over the world who interact with me regularly.
The list was getting smaller and it felt better.
I knew everyone that was left, their struggles, their triumphs. These were people who interacted with me on some level with support and encouragement and shared theirs with me.
I hope I do the same for them, I think I do.
Am I happy with my list now, yes. Does it feel great, no.
I only hope the ones I deleted somehow find their way to their goals with MFP or without it.
It's a long hard road and we need all the help we can get. I just can't give it to everyone. I had to choose.


  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Please dont feel bad. I go through my list every couple of months and delete people who dont interact with us and people who dont sign on for several days in a row. I think this has to be a two way streey. You get back what you give. Have made several really good friends who constantly motivate me to do better and try harder. Thats what this is suppose to be about.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I do it daily and delete people constantly for various reasons, this is my place that I turn to for encourgement, support, ideas etc and if you don't benefit me in one of those ways you are GONE!

    Oh and I never feel bad.