Determined to Reach my Goal...

In 2003 my mission in life was to get healthy for myself and my family. I started weighing 3 pounds short of 400 pounds...I'm far from that now, but have not reached my goal weight. I am determined to lose this weight. On the plus side, I have maintained my current weight for almost 3 years now. I need to get my rear moving and get this done. I just started myfitnesspal and see why I maintain :embarassed: --- now I need to fix it. Good luck to everyone...I know it is a very tough journey, and I'm about to experience it again.


  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    Way go missus! Everyone on here is ready to cheer you on!!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY!!!

    Feel free to add me if you want!