looking for friends..new start

Hi i am also new.started to try and lose weight about 10 days ago,found this sight which i think is great...I have never had to diet before,but i gave up smoking on jan 1st after 30 years.......And i have gained around 16 lb,probably not a lot to some of you guys,but loads to me..none of my clothes fit...i am not very good at this keep fit game....i work crazy shift patterns at work,run around after my family etc so don't have a lot of time,and i am really unfit from smoking....so i have tried running at present i can only manage 1 mile,sad i know but I'm trying .I am also on 1200 calories a day and seem to go over most days even tho' i do not eat a lot..So add me if you want some friends on here.That goes for anyone else out there feel free to add me.could do with some help,advise,encouragement and a good old natter and a laugh :0):happy:


  • RadMan2013
    RadMan2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on quitting smoking! I have helped several people kick the habit and have seen how hard it is! Exercise is a huge way to help keep off the cigarettes. I know exercise is difficult at first but be patient. It will get easier to I promise!
  • heidiwebs
    heidiwebs Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me, I think the support and encouragement you get from your friends on this site is invalueable!