Cardio seems to be having adverse weight loss effects on me.

Anyone ever experienced this? I swear the weeks I do say a mixed cardio and strength dvd (like ripped in 30) I lose. When I do more cardio I dont. It also seems it makes my tummy area bigger. I read that it increases cortisol and I am already a stressed anxiety person so wondering if it is not doing me any good. I lost weight running before BUT I wasnt stressed AND I was nursing:))


  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    You should try lifting weights and other strength training exercises either in addition or instead of purely cardio workouts. Strength training is a more efficient way to burn calories (burn more in less time), just be sure you have a rest day between work outs (ie, don't work the same muscle groups two days in a row). It also has the benefit of making you actually look good, instead of just being thin.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Maybe you are not burning as much just doing cardio. I am the same way. When I started ripped in 30 last month, I saw nearly immediate results. When I just do cardio nothing really happens. Ripped in 30 was the best investment I made this year.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member

    LOL. Seriously, I'm not a big cardio person, although I do get in a bit of spin or kickbox from time to time. But whenever I have gone into a mostly cardio-ish rotation (circuits, high reps, elliptical or other cardio daily), I begin to look fatter (typically referred to as "skinny fat"). But this is because, too much cardio, and not enough good food to fuel it and enough heavy weights, will begin to eat away at your muscle.

    Some is ok. But when you go overboard while eating in a deficit, it can def have adverse effects. Essentially you are making your body choose, and endurance is winning. To improve endurance, the body catabolizes its own muscle tissue in order to make endurance athletes move faster while expending less energy (too much muscle can slow an endurance athlete down).

    If you are not an endurance athlete, and are looking to change your physique, look to strength training, with heavy weights. It's hands down the best way to add "shape" to your body rather than just lower a number on the scale. Try just "sprinkling" cardio into your mostly strength training rotation (like on days off), you will have much better results.