Brain washed



  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    DO NOT eat more. You aren't losing weight because you are not burning enough calories for what you are taking in. (starvation mode is largely a MYTH, and so are plateaus).

    If i were you and you REALLY are being diligent with your logging, and you REALLY have accurate calorie burns (most standard calculators overestimate), then I would drop my daily goal by 250 cals for a week or too, and then see where you are.

    What is your caloric deficit right now? Check your My Home > Goals.

    Actually if she was burning less then she was taking in, she would be gaining weight.. Not maintaining weight. Maintaining means that what she is taking in, equals what she is burning.

    I agree with everyone else.. Eat more, take a rest and start lifting those weights!

    You are arguing semantics. You get my drift.
    Eating more will not help anyone lose weight.

    No I am not arguing semantics.. If she was taking eating more then she was burning, then she would be gaining.. not maintaining.

    To me it sounds like for all the exercise she is doing, she is not eating enough.. If your deficit gets to be too large, then you won't lose because the body is busy storing what it has because it's not sure where the fuel will come from next.

    I eat between 1500-2000 calories a day.. and I lost 29 pounds doing it.. So I must have been doing something right!

    Fine. She is eating too many calories to lose weight.

    I have heard alot about starvation mode, but have come to the conclusion it is a myth:

    But good job losing all that weight!! You certainly are doing something right. :happy: