Alternating Higher and Lower Calories and Carbs

Has anyone experimented with this? I am following a low carb approach but I splurge on a few lower-GI carbs a few times a week. Also I follow my appetite, don't eat my exercise calories unless I'm hungry, and try to eat 200-300 calories more per day 2 days a week. I've lost 11 lbs this time, in 6 weeks, which is pretty darn good for me - I'm 55.


  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    I currently zig zag and it works for me. This method does not work for everyone nor any particular diet and I found this method through trial and error.

    I only go over on Friday and Saturdays by 200-300 but hitting my assigned macros.
    During the week, I stick with the daily number and don't go over.