I think I'm skinnier than I actually am...



  • golfmonk
    golfmonk Posts: 119 Member
    Thinking I was skinnier than I actually am is what got me into the mess I am (weight wise) today.
  • mybonnieliesovertheocean
    oh i do the exact same thing!

    i think it comes from a healthy dose of self love and confidence.

    i know i'm fabulous and am a big girl, and am only trying to change it for me, myself, and i.

    i don't think there is anything wrong with seeing yourself in that kind of light.

    the only reason i know i do it is because when i see myself in photos i actually am shocked every single time and wonder if that's what everyone else sees when they look at me.

    keep on keeping on and keep on loving yourself for all that you are : )
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I've never been more than about 25 to 30 lbs overweight but it was vacation photos that did it for me. Vanity sizing had allowed me to only go up about one size and somehow I still saw my former self in the mirror (it really helps if you never look at a side view) but those beach photos were when I realized how much I had gained. I kept a couple pairs of old pants just so I can marvel at how much bigger they are than where I am now.

    It has always amazed me though when people who are 100 lbs overweight try to say that they carry their weight well when you just want to tell them that no they don't. My daughter in law is 240 lbs and crams herself into tight leggings and wife beater shirts. She thinks she looks hot because she "carries her weight well" and I so want to take a picture of her walking away and ask her if that's really how she sees it!
  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    I used to have that problem too...I think that's how my weight got so out of control in the first place. And even when I'm not looking in the mirror I always FELT like I was thin. I would get annoyed when my husband would touch my stomach because it startled me to physically feel how far out it protruded. Now I've lost 45 pounds and I look in the mirror and think "How am i still this fat?! I wasn't even that big to start with!"

  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Even though it is an old thread ... I always look at pictures of myself and think that they make me look at least 10lbs heavier then I am, but in reality they show me just as I am :-)
  • cayleighmacleod5795
    cayleighmacleod5795 Posts: 1 Member
    No.. I’m literally the same. So far I’ve went from 163 to 147-149 but I use to be 120 before 163. I will start feeling good about myself again and then I see a picture or I see someone else who weighs the same as me and I will start to cry because I feel like I’m bigger than what I think I am
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    I've also noticed that my chest and stomach keep pace with eachother, so when I look down it all looks the same as before I've gained or lost weight. I think that's why it takes me time to update my perception of myself.
  • Countandsubtract
    Countandsubtract Posts: 276 Member
    It's weird because when I read this, my first thought was "yeah!" I definitely feel smaller than I am and when I see pictures where I really look big, it's almost hard to believe.

    But on the other hand, when I'm talking to friends, co-workers, etc. about it and I tell them how much weight I want to lose, they always tell me I don't look heavy enough to lose that much weight. I'd say they were just being nice but I have some pretty direct friends, lol!

    So I guess it's a mix? Body image is weird like that sometimes.

    I get that reaction from co-workers if I mention I want to lose another 20-25 pounds. They all say no, I don't need it, I guess because my face, arms and legs look okay (my clothes hide my fat stomach and fat rear). I've stopped saying anything. The only person who agreed with me is a friend who is a retired professional ballet dancer. He understood because he's had a lifetime of body awareness.

    The problem is so many people are overweight, our whole perspective is warped. We look like most of the other heavy people walking around, plus wear clothes that hide the worst of it.

    Oh I kind of thought the opposite:that people who watch too much older tv get their view warped (no overweight people). Actually, I guess both would make sense together.
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I actually have this problem, so thanks for bumping an old thread. Until the age of 25, I was quite thin, and my goal weight is quite low for a guy my height. So I have kind of ingrained in my mind that I'm thin. Even though I'm not. Of course I look in the mirror, or see photos and I'm not thin. But that 'I'm thin' feeling still exists, 42 years later.