I need help staying on track.

I was doing so well until November- I lost 26 pounds and I was dropping inches every week.... And then I hurt my ankle in November, and haven't done anything since... I keep logging back in for a few days, and then get depressed and give up. I REALLY need people to be on my *kitten* and motivate me. I need to be held accountable until I get into the swing of things again.


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    feel free to add me. I log in every day and record everything.

    What did you do to your ankle. and are you using that as an excuse to give up. cause there is always swimming.
  • jlrae
    jlrae Posts: 35
    No- it wasn't an excuse. It went out on me, I couldn't put any weight on it for days, was very painful for nearly a month, and sore for a long time after. It still hurts when I move it certain ways, but I can't go to the doctor (no money or insurance) so I've been slowly walking and doing stuff to build it up.

    I love swimming, and had thought I could do that, until I figured out that my ankle goes out when its flexed like you would move it when swimming. I'm stuck with walking, and a modified version of the bootcamp dvd I have seems to work without hurting me. I need to work on eating properly, walking and building up my strength while I take some weight off of this. But my motivation totally tanked. I fell off the wagon, and it is hard starting up again!!!