Freaking Out - Gaining Weight with HRT

Hi there,

I thought I'd post about this as it's really got me down. I've been doing great watching my calories and exercising - had lost about 7 lbs. in my first weeks on MFP. Then, my body went through premature ovarian failure at age 39. I spent a few weeks going through some extreme side effects of this including hot flashes, sleepless nights and very foggy head. I got to a point where I was begging for something to help and was prescribed HRT patches. They really turned things around for me and I've felt GREAT in the past few weeks. I've however gained 7 lbs back in those few weeks without changing my calorie and exercise routine.

I am so down about this. I called my doctor yesterday and she's advised to cut my dosage to half to see if this helps. Anyone else out there been through this?


  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Well, I'm on HRT of a different persuasion, and I looked at it; after I got my hysto, I gained ALMOST TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS. [I have to yell that, so it sinks in for me.] I keep switching up my dose, re: doctor. Try to switch it, see if that works.
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    Oh I feel for you. I had premature ovarian failure sometime in my mid thirties ( it was disguised by the pill) and I was on HRT for 7 years from 40. I too put on a lot of weight. I have been off HRT for about 5 years and I have finally managed to lose all the weight that the menopause and HRT put on. I found that carbs did become a big problem and low carb was the only way that I could lose weight.
    I don't recommend coming off HRT without some serious thought and consultation with your doctor as the long term effects of having no oestrogen are not good when it happens at such an early age.
    Incidentally don't take any notice of people who say that they sailed through the menopause with no problems and that you should just get on with it, Premature ovarian failure causes a rapid and sudden drop in hormone levels not a gradual lessening and I know that the effects can be devastating.
  • Thanks for your replies. :)

    Yes, since the side effects of going through premature ovarian failure were so disruptive to my life, I unfortunately won't be in a position to go off of them :(...I totally would if I felt like I could function normally without them.

    Surely there's got to be a way to lose weight and be on them? I was reading a lot this morning about bio-identical HRT and that this might be a good alternative (although sadly this is not a prominent option here in the UK). Anyone know about this?

    Thanks again.

  • Premature ovarian failure causes a rapid and sudden drop in hormone levels not a gradual lessening and I know that the effects can be devastating.

    Yes, I can tell you know exactly what it does as that's exactly what happened to me - everything happened very suddenly. Now that I am feeling better in myself (as in my mind seems to be working again and I actually have a smile on my face), understanding how to not gain weight and get depressed all over again will certainly help. Thankfully, I have a very supportive husband (we only married 1.5 years ago and dated briefly before that - so we haven't been together very long) and we also found out at the same time that we can't have children (or that chances were extremely low with POF). So yeah, have worked through all of that drama and now to get through this one and am hopefully sorted! :)
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    I would suggest low carb. 60g or less a day. I see you are in the UK, I am too and I have found that the Lighter Life programme really works but it is not cheap ( but it is quick!). It is based on soya protein meal replacements for all or most of your meals depending on your BMI and the soya could help with menopausal symptoms too.
    I am now the lightest I have been in 20 years and I never managed to get here with Weight watchers or Atkins. Lighter Life also includes counselling to deal with attitudes to food which I have found incredibly helpful.
  • I would suggest low carb. 60g or less a day. I see you are in the UK, I am too and I have found that the Lighter Life programme really works but it is not cheap ( but it is quick!). It is based on soya protein meal replacements for all or most of your meals depending on your BMI and the soya could help with menopausal symptoms too.
    I am now the lightest I have been in 20 years and I never managed to get here with Weight watchers or Atkins. Lighter Life also includes counselling to deal with attitudes to food which I have found incredibly helpful.

    Hi there,

    Sorry I missed this post. I was checking out Lighter Life online. So is it all meal replacement? How long did it take you to lose?
  • I have really bad PCOS that has completely stopped any oestrogen production I may have had, so I feel you - it is really hard to lose the weight. My doc recommended a low carb diet for me, and it's working somewhat!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I've been through perimenopausal hormonal hell for the past few years and yes it does mess with your weight in a big way. Finally found a great doctor who's helped tremendously with balancing things out by adjusting my diet and using a bit of natural progesterone cream. Every body is different - in my case ovaries quit resulting in estrogen dominance so I usually need to add progesterone. I just had to learn to feel what my body is doing and make adjustments as I go along.

    I found that synthetic progesterone shot my weight right up and made me grumpy, but the natural progesterone cream isn't as hard on me. I've also found it quite easy to increase estrogen levels in my body with simple dietary adjustments. Usually I have to go the other direction and use foods like oatmeal to remove excess estrogen from my system. It's a matter of getting to know what works for your body.

    And I've found that I need a LOT more exercise than ever before in my life in order to control my weight, sleep, and feel better overall. No lazy middle age years for me, lol.

    All the rules change when our hormones go crazy. Just keep at it!