Didn't really know whether or not to post this



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I am thinking that I am not pregnant as I got the Implanon put in the other day, so should I take a test just to be sure? The doctor that I usually see is booked out until April, and she is really the only one that I feel comfortable seeing.

    You need to call your doctor right now and tell her what your symptoms are. This could very well be due to your implant and could be serious. Take care of your health. Be proactive.
  • passifloraFoetida
    passifloraFoetida Posts: 34 Member
    It could be a food allergy. This is what was happening to me for about a month before I found out I was allergic to wheat. I stopped eating it and the throwing up stopped, but now I have an anaphylactic reaction to it, on top of throwing up for weeks after I get a hold of it. It may not be what's going on, but definitely have food allergy tests done. It's one of those things you should have done just to know for sure what you are and are not allergic to regardless of whether or not anything comes up. Also, you should have one done BEFORE trying to cut anything out of your diet. Not eating a food you are possibly allergic/intolerant to can cause a false negative as your body will no longer exhibit the signs of sensitivity in the tests without your eating those foods regularly.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Vomiting daily is not normal and certainly could be a sign of something serious. You need to get over your fear of doctors and get help now. The longer you wait, the more damage to your body could occur. Go to the ER or Urgent Care at least.