Vegetarian questions



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Thank you everyone so much for the replies!!

    My main reasons to go vegetarian are mainly for my health. I don't think meat is necessary and it causes many diseases and other ailments. I do enjoy meat but I don't think I couldn't go without it. I hardly eat red meat at all, maybe a couple times a month, I never eat pork, so chicken is my main thing. I think that would be pretty easy to replace, as many of you have said, with bean fritters & burgers instead. I love veggies, fruits, nuts & beans so it's no problem to me.

    I'm glad to hear that most people are understanding. I most definitely wouldn't expect anyone to go out of their way for me. My mom is a big meat eater and I always go over on Sundays with my boyfriend and she cooks most of the time, so I can see her being a little confused with me about this.

    I'm definitely going to go at this gradually. And thank you SO much for the website listing, awesome!!

    If you want to be veg, go for it. But, really, you aren't going to be any healthier just because you gave up eating animals.

    Why do you say that??? There is tons of evidence saying the American diet is killing us- the high fat diet. I've heard & read countless articles saying that with the overconsumption of meat we consume, it's causing a huge increase in heart disease, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease and much more. I already have high cholesterol somehow at the age of 24 and I'm pretty thin. I think the best choice for me would be to alter my diet as much as I can to help prevent that.

    Yes, American diet of junk - processed junk, rancid oils, trans fatty acids, high fructose corn syrup. Meat, eggs, vegies, fruits,nuts and seeds - nothing wrong with that.
    Re cholesterol - the body makes most of its cholesterol, so your high cholesterol is not usually coming from your diet. You need to see why your body making too much cholesterol and is it really too much. Cholesterol is not as bad as they would like you to believe. Higher cholesterol levels are actually protective into old age.