best advice for falling off the wagon? ugh!!



  • RobynDCrossman
    Good for you for acknowledging it. That truly is the hardest part.
    I'd been a long time binger. It is HARD to break that!
    Every now and then I find myself getting a little too loose with my habits.
    You are doing everything as I would.
    Back on track and back in the gym.
    Just stay positive and keep on!
    Great work!!! :)
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I would suggest for the days following the binge to reduce your carb intake and up your protein. Also i would suggest working out harder than usual for the following few days. You need to get your body back into balance. Don't be too hard on yourself though. The worst thing you can do is give up and that isn't an option right? Get back on track and stay clear of the candy aisle:) I usually stand in the candy aisle just to see how strong i am that day. The question is how bad do you want it. and are you willing to do what it takes to get back on track if you do? Best of luck! Everyone has bad days.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    I first want to say you are not alone...reading this literally sounded like you were taking words out of my mouth... im sorry your going through this i do this to myself too. For me i know it is super hard to go from a binge day to a really healthy day but once you get a couple of strict healthy days under control you will be back in the mindset and back to your healthy far as getting back into the mindset if you feel like binging i know for me its best to get myself out of my house and away from the kitchen and food...i like going to the beach and reading or go for a run. I try and do anytnignt to distract me and get my mind off food...sometimes looking at old pics of when i was heavier is just the thing for me to get myself focused again and remember why i started this. But again im sorry your going through this idk if you have B.E.D. but for me it is so frustrating and a battle you have to work at daily to get over this habit!!!! YOu can do this!!!! Dont give up!
  • 88felicia88
    Willy, I say just go to the gym. If you don't have a membership, get one. Go, even when you don't want to. When I don't want to go, I just take it easy and use the stationary bike, or treadmill at an easy pace. Then I'll look around and use some machine I haven't ever used before or take a class or go home. Usually I feel much better afterwards, I've killed some (binge) time, and I don't feel those cravings so much as before. Then you can eat what you burned if you like. I wear a heart rate monitor so I know what I've burned (highly recommend buying one). So, burn 400 calories on the bike or treadmill or something and make yourself a cheeseburger or whatever. Don't worry though, we ALL do this from time to time. Just forgive yourself and get back on it! :)
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    So you binged. Now what?

    Collect yourself. Forgive yourself. Drink a glass of water.

    Think about how you're feeling right now. How much you don't want to feel like that again. Give yourself something that will remind you about not wanting to feel that way the next time you feel like a binge--like a bracelet, a ring, a rubber band around your wrist... something that gives you a visual cue to break out of your old habit next time it rears its head.

    Drink a glass of water. Feel the coolness move through your body and soothe you.

    Make a list of things you like to do that you can easily do next time you get stressed. Knit. Draw. Write. Sing. Dance. Thumb wrestle. Study. Call a friend. Next time you feel like a binge, use the little memento you've given yourself to remind you to do something from your own list before you resort to eating.

    Drink another glass of water. Smile. Remind yourself to smile when you're stressed and down on yourself. It really does help you feel better.

    Know that you might slip up again. Prepare to forgive yourself again, to give yourself all these reminders again. And never give up just because you've made a mistake.

    Now go pee--you probably have to after all that water. And then get a bottle of water and go for a walk. Commit to drinking that whole bottle. And pick up and start again.

    You can do it!
  • arthurtom
    Oh my gosh, I have been on an extremely low carbohydrate diet for about 3 months now. I have noticed that when I tend to "slip" my cravings for carbs are intense like never before. Your explanation helps me to see why. Thank you so much

    Based on your weight and your activity level, your recommended carbohydrate intake should be visible in your nutrition tracker. On average, I'm eating anywhere from 390G to 450G of carbohydrate a day. This keeps not only my brain fueled but my body as well as I do an intensive workout 6-7 days a week.

    When carbohydrate is restricted for long periods of time, you will seem to "run out of gas" doing the simplest of tasks, let alone a workout. The key to carbohydrate consumption is separating the complex carbs from the simple carbs.
  • nicolehatter