Diabetics!!! What do you Eat when sugars are Low??



  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    My dad's diabetic and he keeps hard candies nearby. I had gestational diabetes with my first kid and had episodes. I learned to keep some fruit and candy with me.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member

    IMO, though, I don't understand why you would eat the very thing that caused the crash (glucose). Are you still told to eat a high-carb diet? Unfortunately, when your glucose metabolism/insulin productin is broken all carbs, even whole grains, are going to mess up your blood sugar numbers. I'm learning that. I have to be careful with healthy starches, too (like sweet potatoes).

    I've had a number of times when my bs dropped into the low 50s. I eat some protein and fat (fat will make you feel better and your body will convert protein into glucose. It does take longer so you would have to just deal with the nasty feeling. But if you need to bring it up fast then I think the Smarties would work.

    I want to say if you wait long enough your body will take care of it, but I'm not sure if that can apply to a diabetic.

    And this is why you should see a doctor and not just research on your own because you don't seem to understand that you eat sugar because a crash means you are way too low and fyi if you're a diabetic your body doesn't take care of it on it's own over time extreme lows and extreme highs are both damaging to the body. If you really think you have a problem with your insulin and no diagnosis I suggest you go see a doctor so you are at least managing what you actually have and not just what you're guessing at because you know someone with diabetes or read about it on the internet.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    How odd that your posting this today.

    This morning I had my lowest bs ever 33. I drank 2 10oz bottles of apple juice and a serving of Rolo's. The hardest part is waiting for the sugar to kick in. I was sweating worse than any gym workout.

    I keep the little 10-12 ounce bottles of juice in the pantry. Anything from >50 works with just one bottle. I knew 2 would be enough.

    Walmart sells a keychain that holds 4 gluco-tabs. As much as the g-tabs suck its handy to have on my keys b/c I don't carry a purse. I have got my $2 worth from it. I have used it about 4 times in the year I've had it. If I'm semi-low or feel it coming I just eat 2 and I'm good to go.

    I always have a juice bottle in my gym bag. I haven't had to use it yet and hope not too.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Regarding the body "taking care of itself" - in MY experience this may be true. I have had what I assume is a liver-dump of sugar in reaction to a prolonged low - it's hard to miss if one minute you're 50 and the next you're 350 (untreated).

    I'm also what I'd call a fairly functional hypoglycemic - it may be a combination of hypoglycemic unawareness and just not having as severe reactions (I hear stories about people having Steel Magnolias-type episodes a lot and I only remember feeling like that very rarely over the last 20+ years).

    Anyhow, spikes either way are bad but everyone's mileage will vary..
  • JMM_623_
    JMM_623_ Posts: 68 Member
    I thought I was the only one...I am truly not a nice person when my sugar is low. That is actually one of the signs my fiance uses as a radar for low sugars. It's hilarious, but most times he's right.
    (I get irritated when my sugar is low)
  • ievent2
    ievent2 Posts: 2
    .....The glucose tablets are excellent for that because a) they are 15g of carbs each and b) they can dissolve in the mouth, so they can be administered even if you pass out because they don't require you to swallow.

    While I'm not a diabetic, my mother is and grandfather (was) diabetic, and I'm an EMT... would not recommend oral glucose (tabs/gel) for anyone who has passed out, as it compromises their airway/breathing.

    If you're low, but not "passing out low", a quick sugar source (OJ and a teaspoon of sugar, frosting, etc), followed by complex carbs would be beneficial.

    For "passing out low" Glucagon (if prescribed), the ambulance/9-1-1 should be called and likely they would administer of 50g of Dextrose and/or glucagon.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I didn't read every single reply so I apologize if someone else has already explained this.

    There is the "Rule of 15" which is:

    - Eat/drink 15gm of rapid-acting carbohydrate (fat-free)
    - Recheck your blood sugar 15mins after eating/drinking it
    - Blood sugar should have gone up by at least 15 points. If not, repeat the treatment.

    You want something fat-free (i.e., not chocolate or ice cream) because fat slows down carbohydrate absorption. If you treat hypoglycemia with a high-fat food like ice ceram/chocolate, you will not feel better in 15mins, which leads to continuously eating and then HIGH blood sugar.

    The small juice boxes they sell for kids (4.23oz) are perfect for treating low, and they travel well. Other options could be grapes, 4 glucose tablets, etc.

    Good luck!
  • hopeful23455
    hopeful23455 Posts: 22 Member
    I keep the little 4.25oz juice boxes all around, as well as a Glucagon injection kit someone else can use in case I've passed out. In the event of a bad low where I'm still conscious, I just drink a juice and concentrate on NOT chugging it, but on taking large sips and holding the juice in my mouth for at least five seconds before I swallow that sip. Sugar is absorbed very well under the tongue and through the cheek walls, so holding it in your mouth helps it hit your system very quickly.

    Also, like a pp mentioned, in a really bad low, your "survival instinct" will have you leaning against the kitchen counter shoving every available carb into your face for 10-15 minutes until the severe symptoms start to ease. At that point, you're well on your way to a rebound high, so I've found that the portion-controlled juice boxed help me prevent overtreating with a ridiculous amount of carbs.
  • melissabatmcnet
    melissabatmcnet Posts: 24 Member
    Why are your blood sugars going low - are you injecting too much insulin?

    I went for a walk last night down the next street to see a friend and had not even thought about it. Went to bed about 1 hour later without taking ANY insulin because it was 101.. I am type 2 Diabetic.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    I am a diabetic and when my sugar level gets low I have a glass of oj and a handful of almonds usually...it does bring it up..you dont need to have icecream or cake frosting to bring it up..I have run this by my doctor and he told me if it works thats great..everyone is different just telling you what works for me in the past! It is best to consult your doc on this and ask what they suggest for you personally.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I keep glucose tabs with me at all times - by my bed, in the kitchen, in my car and hubby's truck, in my purse. I KNOW in advance how many I have to take to bring my blood sugar up, which IMO is critical because 1 - It's hard for me to think about what to eat when I'm low. 2 - it's easy to go into binge mode and way over eat which just leads to more crazy swings.

    The glucose tabs are great for me because I'm not tempted to snack on them. No way could I keep a tub of cake icing around!

    This!! I have tried just about everything and my go to is always my glucose tablets.. I have them everywhere... my truck,my chair, by my bed, etc,etc... I take them to the YMCA with me too when I work out... I get the ones at Walmart in the tubes and by the bigger container to refill them... Usually have the Orange and Grape ones....
  • rrcaudill
    rrcaudill Posts: 87
    My mom is a type 2 diabetic and has cancer. The chemo causes her to wake up with hers at 50 a lot of times. She always uses a banana or grapes. She has the glucose tablets in her purse and saves those in case she needs them away from the house.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,739 Member
    I thought I was the only one...I am truly not a nice person when my sugar is low. That is actually one of the signs my fiance uses as a radar for low sugars. It's hilarious, but most times he's right.
    (I get irritated when my sugar is low)

    I turn into a monster (according to my Husband, parents, sister) when my sugar is low. It's the only time you can't get me to eat!
  • 59frog
    My biggest question is do those low sugar calories go against your total. i am type 1 for 26 years and in fairly good control though
    menopause can play hell with sugars. i use the small can of sprite to treat lows followed by protein of peanut butter, cheese
    or what ever is closest sometimes. Wait and test again in 15mins. I am new to fitness pal and hope to find answers and
    support. My husband has done great lost 45 lbs and post everyday. i am looking for bettr control and weight loss.
    any suggestions
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I try to log every last thing (I have a separate section for lows in my diary) - on a bad day, they can definitely put my total way over. If I'm sensible and can stop myself from eating I try to stick to those small apple juice boxes (60 cal).