Rollerblading to get bikini ready! Advice?

Hello! It's time to start getting bikini ready! I am almost at my goal weight but I have plateaued and I'm looking to shake things up a bit. I want to do something fun! Interested in trying rollerblading....does anyone here rollerblade and if so, has it helped you? I'm definitely looking to tone up my butt and thighs a bit more and I bet this will help! What do y'all think?


  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello? Any rollerbladers out there?
  • cyncetastic
    cyncetastic Posts: 165
    I havent rollerbladed since I was maybe 10 y/o but I dont see why it wouldn't be a great way to tone your legs and thighs. You're using those muscles to push and move and you're also working those smaller, stablizer muscles for balance, etc.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I started skating when I was 10 months old. (yes, months) And while the muscles definitely get worked in the butt and thighs, don't expect slenderness from it. A common descriptor for long time roller skaters is "skaters butt". Because most skaters have slightly larger than average thighs and bubble butts.

    Don't ask me why this is, it just sorta is. My theory has always been because when you're really out there pushing it to the max, you're in a bent/crouched position and that just seems like it would have an effect on the butt muscles as they were being worked.

    Of course, all of my fellow young skaters and I all have chronic lower back and knee problems as well. Folks that started when they were a bit older don't tend to have those issues the same way. My mom is convinced that all the training and crouching during our most formative growth years is the culprit. heh

    It's definitely a fun workout and the only cardio I found that I could consistently burn more calories than running. But I wouldn't say it's the best option for slim butt and thighs.

    Oh, and for fun, here's me somewhere around age two or three in my speed skating uniform: