Brick Wall!

I'm feeling like my body won't allow me to lose anymore weight I've hit a spot that just fluctuates between a couple of kilos. I do about 17 hours a week of exercise and stay under 1200 calories a day about 90% of the time, I just want to have abs already! I'm 171cms tall and weight 58-60 kilos up and down all the time I want to lose 4 more kilos how can I do it?? I'm quite muscly you just can't see some of it as much as I would like anyone been in the same boat or know how to help?? P.s I don't think I'm fat I just wanna look and feel stronger for cheerleading.


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    I think you need to eat more. Exercising that much and being as tall as you are means your body isn't getting enough fuel with 1200 calories. When you only have a small amount to lose, try setting your weight loss at 0.5lb(250g) per week which will give you a more realistic figure. If there's a big jump, increase your calories gradually so you don't put on too much weight to begin with, then it should start coming off again.
  • It sounds like you've plataued, you need to eat more in order to lose weight- sounds daft but it works
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    It does seem like you need to eat more calories so your body doesn't think its starving.
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    You're not eating enough.
    Looking at your diary, you generally eat 1200-1300, and exercise off around 1000 calories a day, leaving you a net total of 300 calories to play with.
    Your BMR is around 1,450. That means if you were lying in bed all day, you'd need 1,450 calories for your body to function. Add on top of that your burn from normal daily activities (depending on whether you're sedentary, lightly active or highly active from your job it could be anywhere from 200-600 or more), and the extra 1000 calories you burn, and you'd need to be eating at least 2,800 calories to maintain your current weight. For weight loss, you'll need to be eating 500 less than that a day, which in turn means you should be eating around 2,200, 2,300 calories A DAY.
    If you up your intake, you should start to see progress.

    Read this:
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Sounds like your metabolism has slowed down, you need to eat more. I just worked out your maintenance calories at about 2100kcal. What worked for me to shift weight and get those last few pounds off was the 3 and 1 method. It works like this you go 3 days at 30% below maintenance cals then on the forth day you eat at maintenance then repeat the cycle. So for you it would be 1470 cal a day for 3 days, then 2100 on the fourth day. On the low cal days try and limit your carbs to 100-150g of carbs getting the rest of your cals from protein and healthy fats . On your maintenance day get the majority of your cals from carbs and protein keeping fat as low as possible. Hope this helps!
  • Thank you for replying, I'm just so scared of putting on weight :/ How long will it be until I start seeing results??
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Hard to say really as everyone is different, give the above method a go and see where you are in 2 weeks . You have to get to learn how your body works everyone is different. Give it a go and let us know how you get on!

    Personally if i were in your position i would eat at maintenance for a week, then get back to it.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Log your food. Log your exercise. See on your "My Home" screen, it says "Calories remaining"? Get that as close to zero as possible. Problem solved.

    You will likely gain a couple kilos while your body adapts to not starving.