
So this morning as usual I went to drop my kids off at the gym daycare before working out and the daycare attendant tells me that my son can't come back because yesterday he was wrestling with his brother and the attendant didn't know how to handle it so he wasn't going to be allowed to come back anymore. Seriously? he's FIVE year old BOY wrestling with his BROTHER! I could understand if it was another kid who was scared or something but COME-ON! how am I supposed to work out now? Do you not know what boys are like? He wasn't hitting, punching, kicking, yelling, or biting he was just rolling around with his brother. Wow I guess I'm a worse parent than I thought because I let them do it at home as long as neither one is getting angry. Anyone else have this problem?


  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    When you picked them up yesterday did the attendant say anything to you? Was she asking them to stop and they didn't listen?
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    No they didn't say anything it wasn't until I showed up today and they told me that he couldn't be there anymore. Frankly, I think it is because my kids were the only ones that were there on a regular basis and if no one was there they could close.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    i would talk to the manager, at the very least you should have been told there was an issue and if it happened again then they would not be able to watch them. dont blame you for being mad, i would be too.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    I had a grocery supervised play area tell me they put my boy in time out for tackling kids. I was like, good!!! LOL

    Sometimes these play areas have attendents only to make sure kids are supervised and that's it, meaning if they start hurting one another sometimes they are not even allowed to intervine. Perhaps it would've been better to call you during your workout and have you handle it. It's a little unfair for her to ban you for kids being kids and then not mentioning it to you. I would talk to the manager of the gym and explain the situation. If it can't be resolved ask for your membership to be cancelled (nothing makes them change their minds as fast as loosing business!). Check into a local YMCA, they often offer childcare. I workout when my hubbie is home, or my teenage daughter stays with the little ones after they are in bed. If you don't have those advantages, start taking them on walks. Pulling a wagon with two preschoolers is hard work!
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    that is unbelievable - what do they think kids do, esp boys as you say!
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    My hubby suggested I take my business elsewhere as well but there is only one other gym here (no YMCA) and it is a 24 hour fitness and there is no pool and I do a great deal in the pool so it just kinda bites. It just makes me angry that they didn't say anything to me and all they would have had to do with my son is to tell him to stop and leave his brother alone and he would have.