Embarassed to work out in front of my kids



  • branflake6
    branflake6 Posts: 115
    Get them to workout with you :)
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Go out and be active WITH your family. Kick a ball around, go swimming. If you cant and you have to do it at home, let them join in. Just tell yourself that you are being a good roll model for your family. They should be proud!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Make it a game with the kids. They'll have fun, and you'll get fit! Encourage the hubby to play too. Getting the whole family involved is really great. It used to be my favorite thing on vacation when the whole family would get together and play badminton in the back yard. Great work, never seen my mom run for anything else before!
  • speifer2
    speifer2 Posts: 3
    I don't think you should feel silly. If anything it will just reinforce that working out is a healthy habit and maybe make them want to join you.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Your kids think your beautiful regardless.

    That said, have them do it with you! My kids have a BLAST working out with me
  • Neequie
    Neequie Posts: 48
    Oh honey! I felt silly too, and finally I realized 2 very important things...with my husbands help....1) our husbands do not see us as we do, they see us BETTER. Self confidence is the sexiest thing of all...SERIOUSLY! And .....2) I decided I would be MORE embarrassed to be lethargic and have my kids NOT see me working out! It is very important, and crucial, for young and old children (but especially during formative years) to see me trying to get HEALTHIER. I concentrate on that particular word as opposed to saying "thinner" or "better looking" etc., I have girls and do not want them to have body issues any more tan normal...children also see Mama self confident, they will be too!! I hope this helps!! Keep on going girl!! :wink:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    When I first started working out I wouldn't in front of my husband, but now that I am in a little bit better shape, I have no problem. Confidence will come in time. Just be patient.
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I don't have kids, but I do have younger siblings. My little sister (3, almost 4 y.o.) knows how to do burpees, pushups, squat jumps, lunges, planks from watching me :laugh:

    What I was self-conscious about was working out around my younger brother (he's 16 and juuuuudgey lol) but one time I convinced him to do the workout I had planned and he was worked HARD and sore for the next two days so now I don't care because they know how hard I'm working :happy:
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    I used to be embarrassed, but now my 7 yr old boy works out with me! If I'm on the elliptical, he's on the treadmill, we just got a stationary bike which he is loving right now! I feel that he is learning from me, that I'm setting a good example, as for my husband...when he sees me working out he motivates me and helps me out if he sees my stance isn't right or if I could be something different...he should be working out too! :wink:
  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    Don't be embarassed because you are actually setting a good example to your kids - be healthy!
    When my 4 year pops in a movie and I forget to take out my Insanity cd, she'll say "mami, worked out this morning"
    And, also if your husband sees you working hard and busting your butt to being in shape (and healthy), I'm sure he'll be even more proud of you. Anyways, if they don't want to see you work out, they can always leave the room -hahaha!
    So go'head wit ur badself and work out!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Mine start doing it with me. I thinking leading by example is probably the best way to teach your kids about health and nutrition. Use it as a tool to teach, empower, and motivate. It's a positive thing, not a negative thing.

    My kids are learning a lot about health and nutrition. And, my son already takes notice of fat calories in foods. And, is aware of how sugary foods make him feel versus more healthy alternatives.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the amazing advice,we have a Kinect and I think I'll be giving a lot of these great tips a go over the weekend,hubby's not one to play on the kinect but I know the kids are always bugging to play on it,and suprisingly hubby is usually the one who says let's go for a walk over the weekend!

    You guys are awesome and I'm so proud and glad to be apart of the awesome site!!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Work out with them! Working out with them is SO MUCH BETTER than not working out at all.

    1) It shows your kids this is a lifestyle not just a temporary habit.
    2) It shows your kids that they can and should be doing this too.
    3) It shows your kids you want to include them in your life. Not just drop them off at soccer and come back in a few hours.
    4) It puts good ideas in your kids' heads about exercising, vs/ bad ones.
    5) It lays groundwork with your kids that you won't see now, but you will eventually.

    My example:
    I started a weightless journey when I was about 250. I bought a used treadmill and just walked up a storm. My 3 girls, all preschool age at the time, saw me doing this every day. Eventually I got fast enough to run, so I started running. Then I added stationary biking, things kept building, and now I do triathlon. My kids come to races, and whenever possible, cross the finish line with me. They help me pick out and name my bikes (Chino the touring bike and Gwinnie the triathlon bike). They help me pick out training gear, and tell me how I look in various outfits (sometimes honesty hurts, but it's better than lies). They even lift weights and do stretching/yoga with me. My oldest daughter likes coming up with her own yoga moves.

    About 4 years ago, my oldest, now 9, said she wanted to race, just like Dad. So we found a 1 mile fun run. She trained on the treadmill, and on race day she just crushed it. Then she moved up to 2 milers, and eventually 5K's. She was doing Girls on The Run 5K's before she was old enough to be in the actual program. Now she's doing triathlons. She's just as slow as her dad, but she also has just as much fun. After a race last year, we were talking about one of her bike wrecks. She said, "I could have quit, but then I wouldn't have finished and been a winner." My 9 year old openly calls herself a winner. It's a beautiful world!!!

    Now, another daughter wants to run races. We're looking for the perfect 1 mile for her. Probably next month.

    And all 3 daughters are signed up and in training for what's called "The Read Right Run Marathon." They have 26 weeks to read 26 books, do 26 good deeds (right), and run 26 miles. When they're finished, in April, they'll get an official Go! St Louis marathon finishers' medal.

    How friggin' cool is that! My daughters 9, 7, 7 will be marathoners!

    The gravy on the goose is, I've lost about 70 pounds myself since this all started, and although I fall sometimes, I'm able to live a relatively healthy lifestyle.

    This is what happens when you include your kids and make them part of your journey.

    I hope this helps.
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    I used to be the same way. But realized that my kids hear me huffing and puffing as I am doing every day things. Plus the saying monkey see, monkey do really comes into play. You could always make "working out" part of the kids play. I went to the playground a couple of days ago with my daughter and let me tell you that was a"work out".
    As for exercising in front of my hubby, I realized that since we aren't having sex in the dark all of the time he is seeing me out of breath and things jiggly. LOL
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I used to feel the same way until I noticed that they loved to do it with me. As of right now you are the apple in their eye and you are beautiful no matter what. My son used to pat my belly and say "fat belly, fat belly" I at first was so upset but I am working on losing my "fat belly". My oldest will say to me "Mommy you are losing weight I can see it". You are showing them that working out is a way of life and they in turn will start working out.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    My kids love working out with me! They'll have little competitions with one another as to who can hold the heaviest weights or how many push-ups they can do.

    And they actually keep me encouraged to keep going! When I don't think I can keep going, they'll say things like, "Come on, Mommy...don't you want your body to look like Jillian's?" (meaning Jillian Michael's whose DVD's I work out to)

    You'd be surprised at how much fun you all will have together if you can get over that fear.