questions about metabolism

sean23 Posts: 34 Member
Through the help of some ot the people on this site, we have determined my wife has not been able to lose weight because she has been eating too little calories over the past 2 years or so and her metabolism has slowed down to a crawl (starvation mode). She was on a 1200 calorie diet to lose 1 lb per week according to the info she entered. With her busy schedule at work its tough for her , since her body isnt' used to eating as much to get her calories in. She wants to get the calories in but not get too much sodium or carbs. Is it bad to go over on sodium a couple times a week. Also, will increasing her intake only 200 calories a day be enough to speed up her metabolism? Someone told me if she replaced her diet pop with regular pop (20 ounces a day) would help her get more calories and speed her metabolism. Sorry for all the questions, just trying to do things right. We are getting a HRM so we have an accurate count of calories burned in a normal day and her exercise, so we can be sure she isn't over or undereating.
