Push ups -_-

wendyco Posts: 122 Member
So I'm doing the insanity program...Just started, today is day 3. I had a question about yesterdays workout. So The point is to burn as much in little time. That means high reps...with good form. My form is NOT perfect. It's not bad....but as I get tired its goes a bit half assed (still back straight and squatting bla bla just not as deep or jumping as high or raising my legs as high either).

I think that's okay no?

Main thing is this: push ups! I can do some on my knees, but my form is not good, tried everything but cannot get comfortable and rarely ever feel my core engaged that way or am I able to work my tis more than my back (dreading the broad back since mine is already bigger than desired).

So I tried doing them regular yesterday. First okay, second fair, third and on SUCKED. core was engaged, butt not sticking out at all....HOWEVER, I didn't even go lower past my elbows =|

I still dipped down, just barely past my bicep if at all -_- Should I do them on my knees and suffer the consequences of not working as hard and not engaging much core, or keep doing what I am doing and TRY to get lower and lower each time?


BTW Im on day 3, if you want to add me go ahead :) Im a "good motivator" :D


  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Pushups are great no matter how you are accomplishing them. Although if you have the ability of doing a regular pushup not on your knees with PROPER form that is best.

    As your core strengthens as well as your arms, chest, and shoulders begin to strengthen you'll be able to perform more REGULAR pushups. This may sound hard to believe but your core strength is also a factor in how many regular pushups you can perform. Obviously the main muscles involved is chest, shoulders, and triceps, but the majority of your overall strength in general is due to your core and back.

    As far as going down past your elbows I only suggest that for advanced pushup performers. Additionally going past your elbows further down to the floor WAS the proper way of conducting pushups years ago. For example when I was in the Army in the 80s and 90s going past your elbows (breaking the plane is what it was called) was proper. My son joined the Army nearly 2 years ago NOW simply going down to the point of your arms being parallel to the floor is far enough.

    The reason for the change is reduced elbow injury. I've known a few people, me included suffering from "tennis elbow" due to pushups.

    Frankly speaking however, I continue to conduct my pushups routine by .... "breaking the plane"!

    Here is a tip for your pushups if you can't complete the number of reps and sets during your workout that will still engage your core and glutes. DO NOT GO TO YOUR KNEES... grab a chair and perform the remaining portion of your pushups with your hands on or stradding/gripping the sides of the chair.

    Quick tip to gaining more reps on your pushups... before you go to sleep WHILE IN BED, perform as many pushups as you can to failure. The lack of stability of your mattress (assuming it isn't firm) will strengthen the muscles required to perform several regular pushups on a stable surface.

    Also don't worry about your back broadening, Michelle Obama and Ellen Degeneres had an impromptu pushup contest and both completed 25 regular pushups. Neither of them appear to have a strong back.
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    whoa thanks for the info!! :) Im about to do day 3...so will keep this in mind! :)
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    I'm struggling with pushups at the moment too. I've very little upper body strength, which I want to improve, and I also want to strengthen my core.

    I'm trying to do this programme : http://hundredpushups.com/week1.html

    Struggling at the moment. No idea what my form is like but can't get down very far at all and wrecked after 1 pushup! Also feeling it more in my abs than in my chest and arms so I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong!
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    I'm struggling with pushups at the moment too. I've very little upper body strength, which I want to improve, and I also want to strengthen my core.

    I'm trying to do this programme : http://hundredpushups.com/week1.html

    Struggling at the moment. No idea what my form is like but can't get down very far at all and wrecked after 1 pushup! Also feeling it more in my abs than in my chest and arms so I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong!

    Trying doing your pushups with a mirror at your side if possible to check your form. Hmmmmmm its odd you are feeling it more in your core than your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Assuming your abs are more engaged; are you having any lower back pain after pushups?
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Trying doing your pushups with a mirror at your side if possible to check your form. Hmmmmmm its odd you are feeling it more in your core than your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Assuming your abs are more engaged; are you having any lower back pain after pushups?

    Yeah, I'll try the mirror thing. Did that on Monday but not sure what exactly what I was looking for :D

    Well, I think the main issue is that complete lack of strength in my arms. I can hold in the pushup position but when I try to actually push up they pretty much give out. Maybe I'm overusing my core trying to not fall?

    I felt it most yesterday, but my abs were already sore from Monday (combination of the first attempt at pushups and planks I think-got my plank to 30seconds...yay). They hurt just moving around and stuff so maybe any strain on them at all just made me notice it far more than the arms. The arms don't really hurt as much, but simply feel incapable of doing it!

    No back pain.

    I'll keep an eye on it. Need to look up some decent form videos and keep working at it I think.
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Trying doing your pushups with a mirror at your side if possible to check your form. Hmmmmmm its odd you are feeling it more in your core than your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Assuming your abs are more engaged; are you having any lower back pain after pushups?

    Yeah, I'll try the mirror thing. Did that on Monday but not sure what exactly what I was looking for :D

    Well, I think the main issue is that complete lack of strength in my arms. I can hold in the pushup position but when I try to actually push up they pretty much give out. Maybe I'm overusing my core trying to not fall?

    I felt it most yesterday, but my abs were already sore from Monday (combination of the first attempt at pushups and planks I think-got my plank to 30seconds...yay). They hurt just moving around and stuff so maybe any strain on them at all just made me notice it far more than the arms. The arms don't really hurt as much, but simply feel incapable of doing it!

    No back pain.

    I'll keep an eye on it. Need to look up some decent form videos and keep working at it I think.

    Try using this as a guide


    I'd love to know if this helps you
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234

    Try using this as a guide


    I'd love to know if this helps you

    Thanks :)

    I'll let you know how it goes this afternoon!
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    How far apart should my feet be?
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    How far apart should my feet be?

    Since you are a beginner put them together. When you become more advanced you can spread them far apart (hands and feet). Remember to keep your head up, don't lock your elbows, and if you need to rest go into a yoga downward dog position.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    If you're struggling on your knees, you can start by doing push ups against a wall. Have your feet a foot or so away from the wall so your body ends up at an angle to the wall (if someone could give more guidance on this , please do).

    The distance your hands are apart affects which muscles you work. Having your hands directly below your shoulders and bending your arms so they stay parallel to your body will work your triceps harder, whilst wider arms will work your chest harder.
    Leg distance - I'm not sure, but given that doing the plank with them together is supposed be harder than when they're apart, I guess this might affect how hard you're working your core whilst doing the press-up.
  • jonesyuno34
    In my experience, from track & field to my own working out, technique is king. Even if it takes a long time to be able to keep up, focus on doing them properly. This will limit the chance of injury and train your body to do them better.

    When I was a freshman on the HS track team, I couldn't do more than 2-3 at a time. Through practice of the proper technique, and some weight loss, as a senior, I once put down 35 push-ups in 30 seconds. Good ones, too.

    If my formerly-fat butt can learn to do them, anyone can. Just practice. keep up the good work!
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    I'm so glad I am not the only one who finds it difficult to push up from a push up! I have mastered 8 from my knees and the last of the 8 makes me feel like the veins are going to pop out of my head LOL (I try to remember to breathe!)

    Lapping up the helpful advice, thank you :flowerforyou:
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Double grateful for the tips and suggestions for pushups!
  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    Me too! Thanks for the tips. I get discouraged because I'm not sure I'm getting them right, and they don't seem to get easier.
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Thanks for the tips!

    My report from yesterday:

    Went to the gym upstairs with the mirror. Went into the position I had been in the day before and it was all wrong, body wasn't straight at all. Once I got into a position I think looked good (neck and head up, straight line), and did one I felt it straight away more on my chest and shoulders, so I think I'm getting the position right anyway.

    Once I got that sorted, I was able to do a grand total of..........2. And they were piss poor attempts, barely able to lower myself at all. Arms gave out on the 3rd one. Attempted a couple more after a rest, but yeah, It's gonna take a lot of time! I noticed I was dropping my hips while doing them aswell so that's something I need to focus on.

    After this, I did some on my knees. Before I could never do more than 2, but after a few days of tying 'real pushups' I managed to do 10. Now, I'm not certain about the form, as I wasn't sure what happened with the knees/butt etc when doing them. I also tried one or too using a bench. I think I'll use the bench in future instead of knees as it seems easier to make sure your form is right, straight line etc.

    So, my plan is to keep at it, and hopefully build up my weak *kitten* arms. I'll aim to do as many normal pushups as I can (using the 100pushups day 1 as a guideline for now) and then finish off with modified ones.

    Thanks again for all the help!