I can't meet my calorie goal.

My calorie goal is 1400 or something.. I eat 3 meals a day and snacks, and I'm usually under my goal. I have no idea what foods to eat to get it up. Help please?! Check out my diary if you want/have time.


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Dark Chocolate. Also not sure you can call 3 Crispy Slice things lunch.
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Add higher calorie HEALTHY choices to your meals. Avacados, olive oil, etc can add healthy calories to your meals without upping the quanity of the food.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    If your not hungry dont eat. It is pretty simple.

    Otherwise if your that worried you can eat a handful of almonds or pecans they have a high calorie good fats and not all that filling.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    More fats and proteins. As xayekim mentioned - NUTS. Add a banana with your breakfast or even a protein drink. Eat an extra apple. How about some chicken or turkey?