To Much Excersie???

Hey evryone! So I exercise 5 times a week for about 75 min. I do 1 hr of cardio on the eliptical and 15 min of weights, I was going to up my cardio by 30 min by walking on the treadmill..... Is that too much??? I am really freaking motivated and starting to become obsessed with working out! I just want to lose this weight as fast as I can, plus I have so much enrgy now that I am working out and I have already lost 5 pounds so I want to keep moving. I am going to vegas for my 25th April 11 and I would like to lose about 5 more punds before then if not more.

What do you guys think?? More cardio or stay where I am??


  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I'm no expert at all, but it seems to me if you enjoy it, and are eating well do it. I know there are many schools of thought on this, but it's all too complicated for me to understand.

    All I know is that the more I workout the more I lose, regardless of what I eat, and that varies tremendously.

    Have a blast!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    just make sure if u feel drained, sick etc to slow down a bit and give your body a rest. Thats when the magic happens. You can also try 30DS, that gives amazing results