evil late night munchies, can you help?????please???



  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes, i have that problem too!, around about midnight, i call it the eebie jeebie's, i can't even sleep, cheese on toast usually does it, the low fat one of course, but have to save calories in the day, so i can have my fix! don't know why this happens to some of us, but i understand the feeling :(
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I have very little appetite during the day so find avoiding snacks pretty easy then but I really start craving things in the evening. Like you I'm not always even hungry, I just eat out of boredom or force of habit. I've learnt to save myself some calories to allow a snack after dinner if I want one. I'm going to eat the damn food anyway, may as well make it fit within my allowance.
  • annekevee
    annekevee Posts: 14
    Do you eat enough during the day? Maybe you're just hungry.
    yep i do for sure, my diary is open for viewing xx

    Nope, can't see your diary. Maybe it's just open for friends. But anyway, i agree with Jezebel_Barbi and kicked my habit that way. The same way i've quitted smoking, actually. You're so frustrated that you're forbidden to eat that you can't think of anything else. Just save the calories, make sure you eat enough protein so you're full during the day and allow yourself your late night snack. And.... make it a good one.
    I find that eating everything but the thing i crave makes me unhappy.
    Well, see what works for you and good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've always eaten more at night, though I can't say I've ever wanted to get out of bed to eat. Some suggestions:

    Eat a late dinner so that you are not hungry.
    Eat very light throughout the day so you have calories to spare at night.
    Don't keep your "trigger" munchies in the house. You are less likely to get out of bed and drive to the store for <whatever> than to walk to the kitchen.
    When you feel a munchie attack coming on, drink a glass of water and then brush your teeth and/or rinse with mouthwash. Food never tastes as good just after brushing.
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Here's a non food idea. I took up knitting. I also get the urge to eat in the evening. Usually I'm not hungry. I found that knitting keeps my hands busy, my mind and attention just occupied enough to snap out of the munchie trance. The rhythm of knitting and the feel of yarn sliding through my fingers is soothing. After a while, the habit of knitting in the evening took the place of mindless eating (for the most part). Plus I've made some cute stuff. Only downside, my husband teases me and calls me a grandma.