People who love exercise and why

So for me its really inspiring getting to hear from people who love exercise, Im learning to love it but not head over heels yet. I thought itd be refreshing to hear from people who love exercise and their reasons why, since most of the time you hear people complaining about how much they hate it.


  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    My exercise is pretty much running or walking, with the odd time on the eliptical if I'm having a bad day or there's really bad weather. But I love it because it's yielding results. It's also a great stress relief. My good workouts are in the morning, so it really helps to kickstart my day. I look forward to it since most of my day is inside at a desk, with random trips up and down the stairs if I am bored.
  • harrylovesginny
    harrylovesginny Posts: 10 Member
    I love exercise because I haven't always had the healthiest relationship with food, and working out put me back on track. Also because I know it can produce results! (You can see mine at

    I usually just do the elliptical for an hour a day, and with the t.v. or someone to talk to it flies by! But dance classes and yoga classes are fun too, and I'll do those on the weekend. You just have to find something that you enjoy doing and it doesn't seem like a chore. Plus you'll be so much more energized when you're done!
  • Strobins05
    Strobins05 Posts: 716
    My routine is to go to my gym after work. This allows me to blow off any stress and tackle my workout plan all at the same time. The joy I get from it is that I am able to come home to my family in a great mood of accomplishment. :flowerforyou:
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I guess I like it so much because of the way it makes me feel, I'm in my 40's and I can hang with guys in there 30's
    getting looks from chicks is not bad either
  • tmcmurtray
    tmcmurtray Posts: 13 Member
    I'm addicted to exercise and working out. I am doing some kind of workout 6 days a week and sometimes on the 7th day. The 7th day is normally just a walk though and not what I would consider my "normal" workouts.

    Here's the schedule that I stick to pretty closely:
    - Monday - 1hr Spin
    - Tuesday - 1hr Body Pump
    - Wednesday - 1hr Spin
    - Thursday - 1hr Body Pump
    - Friday - 1hr Zumba or 45 minute Turbo Fire workout
    - Saturday - 1hr Body Pump

    I also try to get in about 3-5 miles of running on the treadmill or outside in addition to the schedule listed above. I love it because I feel great after working out and I have so much more energy. I love feeling fit and healthy!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I run mostly - when I started running it was because I knew it was good for me and, surprise, surprise I found that I loved the way it made me feel (at least mentally) - it took a while but I could accomplish things that had previously seemed impossible (I still remember finishing my first 5K race - it might have taken me 40min but it felt as if I'd won a gold medal at the Olympics).

    I'm still not crazy about weight training but the feeling after a good workout is almost indescribable.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    I love group exercise classes! I would go daily if I could. But I can't b/c of work so I stick to what works for me:
    Mon - weights/cardio class
    Tues- pilates w/band (home dvd)
    Thurs- wieghts/cadio class
    Fri- kickboxing
    Sat- step

    I encourage you to try classes and see what you like. (I personally don't like jogging, yoga or spin)
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    During the week, my workout is me time. Even during yoga class in a room full of people, I am completely internalized. It's time when I can just let my mind go. On the weekends, my workout is "us" time. That's when I am hiking with my hubby. It's so nice to spend some quality time together in the beauty of nature, even if we're not actually talking to each other.

    My workouts also give an outlet to my competetive side. I'm always trying to better my time on a run or my distance on the elliptical. Or I work to improve my yoga postures. Maybe I can't do Bird of Paradise yet, but I will someday! :)

    And I also love the way my workouts make me feel. I'm in my forties now, but I never have that 3PM slump during the workday. I am able to sleep well every night, and I have tons of energy during the day. It doesn't hurt that my workouts allow me to eat more every day and still shrink!! :bigsmile:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I was an intense exercise hater up until a few years ago. Up until that point I only ever walked for exercise. Now? I'm an exercise fiend! I just love it. Why? The absolute endorphin rush and the feeling of power it gives me. Have you heard about the "coregasms"? They are a real phenomenon, because exercise can feel that good when done right!

    I'm a looney toon when it comes to exercise. I do yoga every day. A minimum of AM yoga, which is ~20 minutes. Then I'll do some sort of cardio routine. That's first thing after taking my thyroid meds. Then, depending on the weather, I'll take a walk at lunch time. Then, 3 days a week I hit the gym for a little over an hour, doing C25k (love the freeing feeling of the running!) and some lifting. I go to belly dance class once a week for an hour. I just started a yoga class for an hour and looking around to pick up another hour class somewhere. Some days I'll do more walking after dinner! Totally addicted to it!
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I love the way exercise makes me feel! I have so much more energy, less stressed and I am so much happier. I love intense cardio like kickboxing, cardio interval, zumba and step aerobics.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    It's a huge stress reliever for me. Usually the only hour out of the day that is completely for me. I feel better, I have more energy, I'm stronger, I sleep better and have you ever heard the saying "Skinny people look good with clothes on, fit people look good naked?!" It's true :wink:
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    "Hi my username is mossonga and I'm a workoutaholic". Nice to meet you all. :flowerforyou:

    I realized I became a workoutaholic when I suddenly stopped dreading the gym and started looking forward to it. Now I'm one of those obnoxious people that tries to encourage others to come with me. I used to HATE running and now I enjoy it. I'm trying to convince my friends to do a 5k with me (and then a 10k, and then maybe even a half marathon :devil: ).

    I think I may have become addicted to weight lifting and running for life. If there's a cure I don't want it.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I used to be too tired to exercise, couldn't get out of bed. Now that I do exercise, getting out of bed is no longer a problem!

    Sunday is my rest day. Only walking, or some Just Dance 3 with hubby, or that kind of thing. But then this week when I got up for my run on Monday, I was flu-ish, and since my hubby had blacked out the day before with his flu, I figured I'd better stay home and go back to bed. My body was *not* happy about me going back to bed instead of going out to get my workout. I was queasy all day Monday, so Tuesday I decided I'd better not jump back into exercise too quickly and tried to sleep in instead. I eventually got up, still half an hour before my former (sedentary) wakening time unable to stay in bed another minute longer.

    Last night both hubby and DS were sick and keeping me awake. (My FitBit says I slept 5 hours and was awakened 10 times, but looking at the log, I know I was awake more than that!) But this morning when it was workout time, I was out of bed and raring to go. Got in my run, some weight training, and Just Dance 3 and felt sooooo good! Ahh the endorphins. The fresh air. The feeling of stretching my legs and lungs, and working my muscles hard. I just felt so well and content after my workout.
  • Jazzyrose77
    Jazzyrose77 Posts: 153 Member
    Exercise helps with my anxiety. I'm too busy paying attention to my workout to worry about other junk.
    Right now I'm into running. i love the feel of being able to run for 4 miles because not that long ago I could barely walk a mile.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't care for the before and during parts of exercise, but the after is amazing. No, I have never felt a "runner's high". I have actually experienced more like "runner's trots" but I just find something else to do or decrease the intensity of exercise until it is more tolerable.

    So, why do I love it? Let me count the ways:

    1. It allows me to eat more freely.
    2. My hormones seem to be more in balance. Not necessarily my female monthly hormones, but more metabolic hormones, like my thyroid.
    3. It gives me confidence to be able to move things around by myself. I don't have to ask for help when lifting a box, or opening a jar. I can stretch further to reach stuff out of the cabinets.
    4. Oddly enough, I can think more clearly after a workout than I could before. My brain is so scattered and when I've been exercising regularly, I become able to concentrate.
    5. My mood is better. When I'm angry and I start to workout, I manage to wear myself out so that I'm not pent up and restless anymore.
    6. Supposedly, it is supposed to reduce risk for diabetes and heart problems. Ask me in 40 years if it worked or not. It's too soon to tell.
    7. Working out makes me pretty. I have more muscle definition than I have ever had before.
    8. It also makes me pretty by making my skin look less gray and more alive.

    Do I love to workout? Not really. I just love what it does for me. I don't exactly get excited to put on my yoga pants and put in a DVD and then sweat my *kitten* off for the next half hour. It's kind of like brushing my teeth. I don't mind it so much after it has become a habit, and I actually notice and feel like crap if I don't do it.
  • Good evening...
    I love to love exercise I breathe & think about the gym while I'm at work & when I go to the gym to work out i put on my earphones & tones others out & I'm at the gym for about 90min. I do cardio 1st or last I switch it up daily then I work my legs & calf's and abs one day then another day I do cardio then I workout my arms & calf's & abs..
    Plus exercising for me takes away all my stress from being at work earlier that day!!
    I LOVE the GYM!!!!