Hormone Therapy- any success stories out there?

After 2 months of working out 6 days a week, and watching my calories for 3 months like a hawk, and only a small weight loss to show for it (5 lbs), I have started a journey today down a new path to see if this helps. A month ago, i had my hormones tested, and found out that I'm very low in Progestorone and cortisol levels are high and adrenals are out of whack- SO, today I picked up my prescriptions for Andren Vive, Throyfem, Progestorone cream, and Pro DHA.
I'm pretty excited to see how this helps in trying to lose 20 + lbs, and was interested in knowing if any ladies out there have tried this route for weight loss. If so, what success, if any, did you achieve? I'd love to hear your story! : )


  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    After 2 months of working out 6 days a week, and watching my calories for 3 months like a hawk, and only a small weight loss to show for it (5 lbs), I have started a journey today down a new path to see if this helps. A month ago, i had my hormones tested, and found out that I'm very low in Progestorone and cortisol levels are high and adrenals are out of whack- SO, today I picked up my prescriptions for Andren Vive, Throyfem, Progestorone cream, and Pro DHA.
    I'm pretty excited to see how this helps in trying to lose 20 + lbs, and was interested in knowing if any ladies out there have tried this route for weight loss. If so, what success, if any, did you achieve? I'd love to hear your story! : )

    I know this was posted a while ago, but wanted to check up on you and see how you're doing,

    I highly suspect my progesterone levels are off, and that I also have a hormonal imbalance. Specifically too much estrogen.

    How did your MD test you for it, and what tests did they do? I want to to armed with questions and knowledge to make sure they don't just try to pawn a BC pill off on me, as it makes me horribly sick, and gives me migraines.
  • MsFargo
    MsFargo Posts: 27
    I haven't found an MD that tests for hormone levels, but Naturopaths do. Some states license Naturopaths so be sure to read up on why you might want to choose a licensed one.

    I had mine tested through ZRT labs...health insurance doesn't cover the tests. If you choose the $200 test, you get your cortisol tested 4 times in one day, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA. NOTE TO MEN: You may also want to have these tests done. You can order the tests right from ZRT or if you have a local compound pharmacy, you can order the tests through them (although they may use a different lab than ZRT).

    I used UBER BALANCE progesterone creme and it can be ordered from Heartland Products in Valley City, North Dakota. Cost is approximately $25.00 for two ounces.

    I've had the tests done 3 times and found it so worth to track my progress toward optimal health. Another test which is relatively inexpensive is the "Body Composition Test" which you can get from Naturopaths, chiropractors, etc. I've only had one of these done but need to get in to have another one done...again, to understand my body in pursuit of optimal health.