1st 10k

jdelot Posts: 397 Member
I ran my first 10k this morning. Actually, it was my first race of any sort. Anyway, I finished in 52:16. I pulled a bone head move at the beginning, though. We're standing around, waiting to go....the 1/2 marathoners had already left, when the Mayor of our city gets on the mic and says we have about 7 minutes left until we start. So, I decide to make on more trip to the restroom before the race. As I'm coming back down the hill to the starting line I hear the Mayor saying, "on your mark, get set..., boom." The entire field was at least 100 yards ahead of me before I crossed the starting line. I'm pretty sure that my time started when they shot the starting gun. There was no electronic starting line. After the race, I asked someone about the start of the race. She told me that shortly after he said 7 minutes to go, he got on and said, "90 seconds." I wasn't gone more than 2 minutes... I still finished 28th out of 142 and 3rd in my age group. That's the last time I vote for that guy... :-P
