Under 1000 calories Per day....



  • Xbwalker
    Xbwalker Posts: 65
    50 grams of carbs sounds awfully low to me. I usually have over 100 and I'm 5"2 115 lbs

    My wife has over 300 a day and she is 110. She also eats 2000-3000 calories a day. Her metabolism is insane. She doesn't even work out and out eats me. I call her "the skinniest cow on earth".
  • ElliieMental
    50 grams of carbs sounds awfully low to me. I usually have over 100 and I'm 5"2 115 lbs

    Atkinites eat 20g on induction, this is a carb feast in comparison :)
  • Loseweight1980
    A lot of the posters on here are saying they stay under 1000 cal a day, also. However, if you look at their profiles, they are tiny little females, 5' or therabouts. You need waaay more calories than that.
    Oh, yeah, and, add protein. You might lose weight, but it's going to be a lot of muscle weight. You're screwing yourself over by 60g protein a day!! That's a lot of freaking muscle!
  • ElliieMental
    50 grams of carbs sounds awfully low to me. I usually have over 100 and I'm 5"2 115 lbs

    My wife has over 300 a day and she is 110. She also eats 2000-3000 calories a day. Her metabolism is insane. She doesn't even work out and out eats me. I call her "the skinniest cow on earth".

    I have a hubby like that!! grrrr lol
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I used a low calorie diet and dropped weight like a stone (95 pounds in 7 months and then 8 pounds in 14 days). Like you, I was rarely hungry - I got hungry 5 times in 7 months.

    Many, many people lose weight very successfully by eating < 1k cals though many folks here express concerns if you reveal that's how you have chosen to lose weight. I haven't come across medical information about "regular diets" vs "low calorie diets" vs "very low calorie diets" so all I have to go on is real world experience (as well as my personal experience, even though that counts for very little.)

    Like any change in diet, if you don't feel that things are going right at a low calorie level, change what you're doing. My fiancée runs one of 40 clinics here on SoCal that use a low cal diet (they've been around for 40-something years) and they medically screen patients before they take them in the program (obesity causes all sorts of medical and other problems) so you might think about having a doc look you over. And, their program does work well — last night, Debbie told me about alumni day where a woman got back from vacation and started her maintenance visits. The wonderful thing about this woman was that when she started the program, she pushed an oxygen cart around but she was able to lose 82 pounds. That's pretty darned good, considering that she is 84 years old!

    Best of luck in your weight loss journey.
  • ReignboMama
    50 grams of carbs sounds awfully low to me. I usually have over 100 and I'm 5"2 115 lbs

    My wife has over 300 a day and she is 110. She also eats 2000-3000 calories a day. Her metabolism is insane. She doesn't even work out and out eats me. I call her "the skinniest cow on earth".

    THATS HILARIOUS!! LOL I wish I had a metabolism like that!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It's not sustainable for a great length of time. Surely, you will lose weight, but what happens when you get to your goal? You should not teach your body to live on that small of an amount of food, you can't live that way for the rest of your life! That said, basically what you need to do is just up the quantity of the healthy foods you are already eating. Larger portions of meat would surely help up your calories. Healthy fats like nuts would be great for someone like you who is not overly hungry. You can eat a small amount and they pack on some calories. Good luck.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    two weeks and you havent lost anything? thats your body saying you need to up your callories.

    instead of eating one chicken breast eat two. instead of one egg for breakfast add another one or have an omlet
    etc. etc.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Just had a quick squizz at your last two days - if all your days are like that you can do with increasing the fat in your diet - that way you don't eat much more - but you get the nutrients....

    I have been working at upping my calories per day over 2000 to 2300 - this is how I did it without having to eat loads more bulk...

    "Increasing my calories – I did not do this by eating much more food, but rather by putting butter (yes butter), cheese, coconut oil, almond butter, salmon and avocado back into my daily diet – a really quick way to increase your calorie intake"
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    Eat when you're hungry.

    Personally, I think you're eating too much sugar and not enough healthy fat. But I've gone mostly paleo - I'm not hard core - just have food allergies, so this works best for me. IF you are insulin resistant, and most of us who are overweight are, you should reduce sugar intake below 15g/day. That's what my Dr has recommended and I've found that most advice regarding insulin resistance will advise this.

    Once I dropped the sugar and raised the healthy fats, I found that I get hungry - where I never was before.

    All of that being said, you need to find a balance that fits you and your body. So eat when you're hungry.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    It's not sustainable for a great length of time. Surely, you will lose weight, but what happens when you get to your goal? You should not teach your body to live on that small of an amount of food, you can't live that way for the rest of your life! That said, basically what you need to do is just up the quantity of the healthy foods you are already eating. Larger portions of meat would surely help up your calories. Healthy fats like nuts would be great for someone like you who is not overly hungry. You can eat a small amount and they pack on some calories. Good luck.

    Adding to this, Eating so few calories could mean your not getting all the nutrients that your body needs so you should try taking multivitamins with your diet. If you don't get all the nutrients your body needs your hair could also start falling out. Happened to a friend of mine when he went on his weight loss and he was netting about 1200 a day.
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    Start dipping your veggies in peanut butter to add more fat and calories to your diet
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Easy way to up your calories....Increase your healthy fat! 2 tablespoons of peanut butter is 180 calories. 1 tablespoon of olive oil is 110 calories. 1 medium avocado is ~200 calories.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I am not purposely staying under 1000 per day but it seems to be playing out that way.

    I have been working on limiting my carbs to 50 or so per day and supplementing it with plenty of meats, veggies, and fruits. It seems as a secondary result, I am not even hitting 1000 calories in a day. On top of that, I am working out a little under an hour per day pretty vigorously.

    Amazingly, I am not particularly hungry. If you check my food intake over the last day, it will give you a better idea of what I eat.

    Is this safe? I figured if I was under nourishing myself, my body would tell me but I have plenty of energy and am rarely hungry (except in the mornings as it seems fruits and veggies go right through me).

    I did that when I first started too. I was 300lbs and resatricted my calorie intake to 1000/day. The first week I lost 15lbs. I figured "Sweet!! This works!" And was fine for a couple weeks, then I keep getting hit with massive headaches and got dizzy all the time. Best advice is listening to your body. Dropping the calories for a short time might be good for the short term, but in the long run it does more harm than good.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I agree about increasing your HEALTHY fats. By the way, what are you frying your eggs in and cooking your meats with? I always account for using olive oil when cooking because I am essentially consuming those calories too. I'm wondering if you are underestimating your caloric intake? You will go into starvation mode if you are honestly consuming so few calories, especially being a male.

    Eat some peanut butter/avocados/coconut oil/nuts, etc.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    When I started out low carb I had and still sometimes have a hard time getting my 1200 calories. I got my numbers from my physician and nutritionist. 1200 calories a day 20% good carbs/40% good fats/40% protein I ranged 700 to 1200 in the last 4 months have lost 30+ #s and feel GREAT
    Follow what your body is telling you, but MOST important go see your physician or a nutritionist they will give you the best advice. Good luck on your journey.
    There is LOTS of information on low carb eating out there and lots of low carb people here to support your new lifestyle
  • charliesmagic
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is why using MFP's calorie guideline (and the exercise calories) worked so well for me. Previously, my instinct was always to just "eat very little" if I wanted to lose weight. And it would usually be pretty easy for me, because I'm really good at ignoring hunger signals. And eventually, my brain would say, "Ah, screw it all. She's just going to ignore me again," and wouldn't send the hunger signals. I did lose weight, but not like I should have, and lost too much muscle in the process.

    Using MFP's guidelines, I realized that I was doing it all wrong before. I didn't need to be so strict, so severe. I ate a little too much and didn't exercise enough when I got overweight, but it wasn't THAT far off from what I needed to do to be a healthy weight. Which I think is the case for most people... the weight comes on gradually, because we're only eating a little bit more, and being a little less active, than we need to be.

    So by making minor changes, I was able to lose all the weight I needed to lose, and then some, and still enjoy pizza, pasta, garlic bread, baked potatoes, etc.I didn't need to completely overhaul my way of life. I just needed to be a LITTLE bit more focused.
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    That happened to me, especially when I started low-carbing on January 5th. To my knowledge I haven't suffered any ill effects. I definitely try to keep my calories higher, and if you can manage that you should. But in my opinion it's not an emergency if you stay under while your body is adjusting to this new diet. Only because that's how things ended up happening for me. So, try to keep them higher but don't beat yourself up if you don't, you should adjust to where you eat more. As I've gone on I've been able to comfortably up my calories. You can look at my food diary if interested.
  • Xbwalker
    Xbwalker Posts: 65
    I'll try to drop an extra 200 calories in there. I am going to start taking exact measurements of the food I eat. The last few days I ballparked it so I think I may have estimated a little low.