7 Weeks in, and not losing what I thought I would :(



  • lizblizz28
    lizblizz28 Posts: 166
    Adjust your expectations.
    Eat more.

    Would you rather have gained 11 pounds? Don't trivialize weightloss. Any loss is a good one.

  • I think you've done an awesome job so far. You may want to add some weight lifting to your workout to help burn fat and tone muscles. Also, you may want to think about making your food diary public. There are tons of dietitians on this site who may be able to give you some pointers. I'm seeing one now and I didn't realize that I wasn't loosing as much weight because what I thought were good eating habits really weren't.
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    I think 11 pounds is amazing,that's a realistic and safe amount to lose, keep it up and don't be disapointed, that is a great result
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Adjust your expectations.
    Eat more.

    Would you rather have gained 11 pounds? Don't trivialize weightloss. Any loss is a good one.

    I totally agree!!

    Not sure how much you weigh, but the closer you are to your goal weight the hardeR it will become. I started out at 302lbs last May and in the first 6 months I lost 60lbs. I never starved myself (I love food too much to do that lol) and I only ate back exercise calories when I was still hungry. The more you weigh, the more you burn so I just couldn't make myself eat an extra 1500+ calories a day.

    Sometimes we are our own worst critics. If a good friend of yours told you that they lost 11lbs in 7 weeks, wouldn't you think that they are doing an awesome job?? Of course you would, because it is good.

    It's great to set goals, I set a goal of 100lbs in a year. I won't hit that mark. It sucks, I am disappointed in myself... but then if a friend had lost 77lbs in 10 months I would think they were doing so awesome.

    I say keep on doing what you are doing. It is working. You will have some weeks you may not lose... and the next you may lose more than expected. Don't focus too much on the number. Take measurements. Take photos to compare yourself, you will be amazed at the change. Sometimes the number on the scale is a BIG FAT LIAR :)
  • jdlund09
    jdlund09 Posts: 3
    I had the same problem, in fact sometimes I still have the same problem. I have not lost as much as I want and I would get down on myself, but than my doctor told me ""Any improvement, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction" and so I say to myself, I might not have lost as much as I wanted this week but it is an improvement to what i was. I hope this helps.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I have been at it for 7 weeks tomorrow and I have lost 11 pounds, I set my goal to lose 60 pounds at a rate of 2 pounds a week. I am at or under my calorie goal everyday and do treadmill workouts burning 400-600 calories 6 days a week. I don't want to lose my motivation because I feel like I am not seeing results. Any advice?

    Any chance you could open your diary, it is difficult to comment without seeing.