Does this feeling ever go away?

So I went to a political training meeting last night with my boyfriend and as we sat there I watched people as they filtered in. I scanned each person quickly, just seeing what kind of shape they are in. Needless to say I was the biggest person in the room. :(
Not that I was hoping for someone to be bigger than me, I just didnt want to be the only fatty in the room. And then I started thinking about if they are wondering about me and how I got so big.

My question is does this feeling, paranoia ever go away? Even after I lose the weight? I feel like I am always going to be scanning the room even when I hit my goal weight.


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You may. But you won't be the biggest person in it, anymore. So that's good.

    Insecurity has little to do with physical fitness levels, and what I mean by that is, even if you reach your goals in weight loss, if you don't like yourself, it won't stop the insecure feelings you are describing here.

    Become your own best friend. Like you. :flowerforyou:
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    You may. But you won't be the biggest person in it, anymore. So that's good.

    Insecurity has little to do with physical fitness levels, and what I mean by that is, even if you reach your goals in weight loss, if you don't like yourself, it won't stop the insecure feelings you are describing here.

    Become your own best friend. Like you. :flowerforyou:

    Comparison really is the theif of joy. I try not to compare myself to others, because everyone really does have a different genetic makeup. And, for me, when I feel like "Oh, poor me, I am the only fat person here", then it makes me discouraged and it tends to make me give up and eat crap.
  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    I know I've scanned people before and felt like the biggest person in the room. But you know what I realized, people are so concerned with themselves, they aren't worried how big or small someone is. I remember looking at people and thinking, "wow, I wish I was skinny" or "I wish I could wear that bikini" - well I bet those people who I wish I was skinny like them, was thinking about themselves, "I wish my butt wasn't so big" or "I wish I had bigger breasts" - people always want something else and want to be like someone else. If you feel unhappy about your weight, do something to fix it. Let's not have a pity party, let's get up and move! Don't let your weight define you. Let how much you want to be at a healthy weight define you and get out there and kick some butt!
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Keep working on you and try not to compare yourself to others. Later on, you will be able to look around and know that you are NOT the biggest person in places. You've done great on your journey thus far - think happy, positive, motivating thoughts! :flowerforyou:
  • amfeierabend74
    My boyfriend has said the same thing, that I just need to not think about it and be proud of what I have done so far. I do like myself, I may even love myself. I am proud of what I have accomplished so far! I can do this, but old habits die hard.

    Thank you everyone!
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    I lived in South Korea for two years. I didn't feel like the biggest person in the room..I felt like thebiggest, and hairiest, person in the entire fripping country.

    It's not about you compared to 'them', its about you and your journey to be thebest you can be.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I understand the feeling. I NEVER look at larger people at the gym or anywhere else and wonder how then ended up that size.

    At the gym, I am so consumed with looking at my body that I barely notice others. What I DO notice is larger people at the gym that I see consistently who have lost a ton of weight. I see them in class, and then I'll notice them several weeks later and they have lost a lot of weight. It's like it happens overnight because I don't watch them every day.

    While you're on this journey you will encounter lots of things. But that's what makes it worth doing - the results in the end will amaze you.