New to community on mfp

Wow! Only had MFP on the phone and have lost 64 lbs! Didn't have time til now to get on computer and really look at the site. Love it. Don't have any friends on here yet so I'm looking forward to this new feature.

Went to a funeral today and had many people ask me what I was doing to lose the weight. My response was Nawwwwwww, really? Just eat right and exercise. Can't be done some responded. Then the conversation went into who all had taken pills or surgery or whatever....... Hmmmmm. ok.......

Love myfitnesspal and can't wait to meet some new people on here!


  • DaleRunning
    DaleRunning Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I have been on here since september and love it as well. I tell everyone about this site and my family thinks I am a walking infomercial! I have people ask me too and they are always surprised about the site but I tell them give it a try you will be surprised how user friendly it is and that it works! I have some friends on here but mostly people I work with who are also on here and a couple who I met on here! Add me if you want to! Great progress you are making that is an awesome number 64 lbs!