
Hello, I am new to my fitness pal and new to my weight loss journey and i don't want to do it alone. I would like to see if I could add you and we could support each other. I am looking for friends on here with weight loss in mind that can motivate me to change my life. So, if your interested in adding me i would love to accept.


  • DeniseChilver
    DeniseChilver Posts: 185 Member

    I noticed that no one had responded to you so here i am :happy:

    welcome to the site you will find loads of hints & tips along the way, it's a great community. Make sure you have a read of the other forums

    Feel free to add me if you like but most of all good luck with your journey :-)

  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi and welcome, friends request sent :smile: