Recovering from squats



  • amycool
    amycool Posts: 57 Member
    You need a butt massage? :P

    Really, just suck it up and if you're walking funny, just tell people you had a VERY long night. lol

    Oh, the people who know me will just automatically assume that :-p
  • Ohbutiloveicecream
    Ohbutiloveicecream Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with everyone suggesting the foam roller. It'll most likely hurt when you roll, but the relief will be unbelievable!

    Also, a 2 liter bottle, filled with water and frozen overnight is a good substitute for a foam roller.

    In a pinch, I've also used my kids' mini-basketballs or a rolling pin to roll out sore spots. So anything round or cylindrical that'll hold it's shape should help. You can find some great foam rolling videos online.

    Good luck!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Walk, walk, walk. I found that 20+ minutes of simply walking will relieve the discomfort.
    Also Epsom Salt bath.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Icy Hot is the ****!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Any serious strain on a muscle requires approximately 48 hours to recover. So doing WEIGHT lifting two days in a row is a bad idea. Doing some bodyweight squats in between is...well, it's silly, and it's impairing your ability to recover fully and properly.
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    The soreness is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers-not lactic acid.

    ---->Ibuprofen. Rest. Adequate caloric intake and protein throughout the day--timing is irrelevant (especially in terms of muscle soreness).

    Depending on how heavy you mean when you say you do squats with weights, you shouldn't be doing them two (or more) days in a row.
    yeah thats not really it either DOMS+ Delayed onset muscle soreness.....ah screw it message boards suck so much misinformation. as has been said I love my foam roller and google the term DOMS you will get a ton of info