Newbie from Nova Scotia Canada!

Hello all I'm new on this site, (a week or two I do believe) and already I have made friends on here! I live in Nova Scotia and found a great TOPS group in my small community! They are so helpful! I am Sabrina a 38yr old, loving wife of 3yrs (been together for 6yrs) and a Mom of 3 beautiful children, 11, 10 and 4 1/2 years old,. They keep me on my toes that's for sure, not to mention my animals that we have, which are 2 black labs, 5 cats, 3 rabbits and my 2 horses! Yep, a house full! I just decided one day that I had had enough of feeling like I had no energy left in me for my kids or pets or husband for that matter. I always wanted to rest on the couch in the afternoon, hardly making it up for my boys as they walked in the door from school. Along with the low energy feeling, I was feeling low in my emotions. I am not a negative person usually, however this was really putting me in a place that I really didn't want to go. So now I've decided to change my life around and start eating healthier, exercise more and have a much more positive outlook on life in general! Now I have the energy to spend with my family and they enjoy every bit of it!

Sabrina :)


  • ladydee43
    ladydee43 Posts: 13
    Welcome I have only been a member for a short time and everyone on MFP that I have meet since being on makes me feel welcome
    and really have words of wisdom. I need to lose a lot so I really do except suggestions. Again welcome!!
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I am also from Nova Scotia :)
    Nice to see another person from home!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Nova Scotia here too...welcome
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    ns here too! :) welcome!
  • joey200for2
    joey200for2 Posts: 104 Member
    welcome and good luck!
  • Aloha from Hawaii!!!! I love this site because there's so much info, support and yes, a bit of comical flirtations!!! lol!!! welcome!!!
  • Hi everyone!! Seems like we have a great group on this site!! I love all the support that we give each other!! Where from NS are those that commented from?? And Ladydee43, you can do it!! There are a lot of great supporters on here!!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I'm in Bridgewater
  • Bunziee
    Bunziee Posts: 5
    another one from NS :)
  • Anyone wanna add me, go ahead!!! :)
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    Digby, NS Where are you from Horsemama
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    Bridgewater, Nova Scotia here!!!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm in Quebec now, but I grew up in Truro. Feel free to add me - always happy to support a fellow Maritimer!
  • JennaR30
    JennaR30 Posts: 12 Member
    PEI here :)
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    Nova Scotia here also.. feel free to add me :)
  • cupcakegirl81
    cupcakegirl81 Posts: 2,033 Member
    I'm from Alberta, but yay, Canada!!! hahaha!