DJing a Sweet 16 this weekend... need opinions.



  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Teenage girls are not rational beings. Not even a little bit. Let me tell you a true story to illustrate my point.
    A friend of mine was in her first period class in her sophomore year of high school. One of the girls in class was sobbing. Full on, heaving, gasping, sobbing. Her friends were crowded around her, comforting her. Sympathizing that what had happened was truly awful. My friend was thinking that the girl had just had to put her dog to sleep, she was that upset. It took a while but she finally figured out what had happened. The girl was upset because she had gotten her sweet 16 birthday gift the night before. It was a brand new Mitsubishi Eclipse, which was what she wanted. It was red. She wanted black. At least 12 hours after receiving this gift, she was still hysterical with grief. Any rational person would be happy to have a new car. At most, a rational person would maybe be slightly disappointed to get a second choice color.
    Only a teenage girl would react to a new car the way most people would react to a dead kitten.