Running...a struggle all of a sudden.



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I'm sure heat plays a role. But when I run, I definitely can tell a difference in performance/endurance based on my diet.

    Same here. I generally need to eat a banana about an hour before I run or do any other intense cardio. If I don't. I hit a wall and can't get past it.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Okay, keep in mind that I am still a newbie runner. However, a few weeks ago, I was up to running 4.0 miles (albeit slowly) without feeling like I was going to die at/near the end. I run 2-3 times a week and was trying to do a 2, 3, and a 4 mile each week. The last couple of times I have run, I can BARELY make it 3 miles and when I do, I have to stop and walk several times. I'm not sure what's going on.

    In my head the possible causes are: 1. weather change from cold to humid, 2. muscle fatigue (I have been changing up my strength training routines and not having a full rest day during the week 3. weak mind. :)

    Has anyone had this happen or have any suggestions as to how I can get through this?

    This is identical to what sometimes happens to me and I have found that it usually occurs on the onset of a chill or cold or some other niggling little "unwellness". Therefore, if it happens, just go with the flow, stop or walk if you get tired.

    I found that when I got back to good health again, I was once again back up to my previous fitness.

    Just as an afterthought, Google "Biorhythms" - some people believe in them, others pooh-pooh it, however, physical biorhythms go in three week cycles, if you hit the low rhythm for your physical self, then you will more than likely find physical training harder than normal. It usually passes after that week (until the next time).
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Im guessing you are overtrained. I run 40-50 K's a week and I'm in excellent shape. Sometimes I get exhausted after a few K's, and then I know that I have overtrained. Most ppl don't listen to their body and pushes them self even harder when this occurs and it only makes it worse.

    You don't suddenly become in worse shape when you exercise regually. Take a few days off and eat nutrious food and let you body restore.

    After a few days of rest I'm sure that you will feel the difference.

    ^^This. Listen to your body. I also recently started running (and practice martial arts 2-3 times a week) and I do not 'push' through it. After a tough 2 hour capoeira class, the following day might be harder for me to get comfortable running. So I end it with a nice brisk walk, lotsa strectching, eat well, rest-up and start the following day or so.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I honestly have no idea, this happens to me pretty much every week. Take this week for example, Monday I felt great, ran 4 miles almost no problem. My Wednesday run I could barely run a half mile, ended up getting a few miles in but walked most of it. My legs just felt like they had weights attached to them.

    So I'm trying to figure out what I do differently leading up to a good run. Both runs were at the same time of day. Drank about the same amount of water during the day. The weather was similar for both, although Wednesday seemed a little hotter and more humid. Before both runs I did a quick warm up and stretched. Wore the same shoes for both runs.

    Sunday and Monday I didn't eat particularly healthy, if anything I ate more healthy Tuesday and Wednesday so that doesn't explain much. One possibility could be that I had a low carb lunch on Wednesday, but ate carbs for breakfast and for a snack I had some fruit.

    Sleep: I didn't sleep very well Sunday night, but slept great on Tuesday night. Maybe I function better on less sleep?

    Also maybe I wasn't fully recovered from Monday's run because I ran a little farther that I usually do. I wasn't sore or anything though, and I didn't feel burned out until about a half mile in. Maybe I will try waiting 2 days between runs.
  • dru_howard
    Thanks for all of the good advice. I think I will completely take a day off tomorrow and rest and see how I feel Saturday before I run. And get a couple of good nights sleep!