"irrational" fears



  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    1) The Ocean (which is Ironic because I love Marine Biology...)
    2) Spiders
    3) Needles
    4) MY SISTER!!!! :laugh:
  • megansoriano
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Traffic. I was in a car accident last summer that came out of nowhere and fractured my neck and now whenever I'm in a car I'm terrified most of the time. I was with a friend a couple weeks ago and we almost got hit. I ended up curled up in a ball in my seat crying until he had to pull over and convince me I wasn't going to die. :/
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    I'm with you on the clowns-they are creepy looking! and birds of all kinds- the beady eyes, long claws (shudder )and Im always thinking they are going to poop on me LOL

    I can top you all with the weirdest I bet- I have a fear of toilets overflowing. Especially in public restrooms. I have to have the door open and be on my way out to flush so I dont get trapped in there with an overflowing toilet! Feel free to laugh, Im crazy :) I have embraced my inner crazy and am OK with it :)
  • schume89
    schume89 Posts: 118 Member
    i get really anxious when i am walking down stairs and can see the floors below me. and i will not go anywhere near a balcony or ledge. my heart starts racing if i think about the fact there is nothing underneath me

    its so weird because i was actually thinking about this today on a staircase when i was going to class!
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Being stuck in a small space. Fish. Most birds. Getting my eye poked out by a branch.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Clowns, big time, and having a tire blow out while I'm on the freeway.

    I saw a horror movie at a friend's house when I was 5 or 6 with a demon possesed clown, mom said I had nightmares for months. To this day I cry and break out in cold sweats if I see one.
    The tire thing, no idea where that came from, but I will be driving down the freeway and all the sudden get so freaked out that I start to shake and get out of breathe.
    Snakes, spiders, heights, none of those thigns bother me a bit, lol, but tires and clowns literally keep me up at night. So silly!
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member

    If you talk about them, I will legitimately burst out in tears. I'm DEATHLY afraid of aliens.

    LOL!! Im sooo glad Im not the only one! maybe we were abducted at some point....

    haha, so funny that you said it like 30 seconds before I did :)
    I'm planning on getting a tattoo of a "cute" alien someday to maybe start to face my insane fear of them. But that's... in the future ;)
  • nemsmom
    nemsmom Posts: 48
    Someone today told me that some of my fears were irrational.:angry: I replied that to me they are completely rational.:ohwell:

    Clowns- there could be a serial killer under that make up

    Heights - I'm a clumsy person, what if I fall?

    People who stand on the side of the road- I've seen a man jump into someone's car through a window and attack them

    Gas stoves- I was stuck in my house 14 years ago when our gas stove caused our house to catch fire

    These are a few of mine, there's a reason to each and there are plenty more. I try not to let them keep me from living my life but I do try and avoid them when possible.

    Point: anyone else have a fear someone says is irrational but you feel is justified? Just curious.

    First, they are not you, they can not say your fears are irrational! The are rational to you!

    Second, I am horribly afraid of heights. I get one step up on a step ladder and my knees are trembling. I'm only 5"2" and God made me short for a reason! That way I'm close to the ground!

    Spiders or any bug are another one.

    Thunder and lightning storms I want to run away from it or run to the arms of my husband and cry uncontrollably!

    Speaking or singing in front of more than 2 people (or anyone I don't know), I know stage fright. I tremble, feel sick to my stomach and my voice gets shaky and out of tune! Even though everyone tells my I sing beautifully and some people ask me to sing for them every time I see them.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    Deep water - especially if I can't see through it, like a muddy lake or ocean off of the shore. This is why I will never go on a cruise...I don't care how much "fun" they are. I can barely tolerate "water" movies like "The Abyss" or "Titanic" - I feel like I can't breathe the whole time I am in the theater. Especially irrational because I love to fish and swim, and everything about the ocean, except for tsunamis, of course. Those terrify me beyond description. My husband thinks I am a total dork, because with most things I am fearless...but then this is coming from a giant of a man who screams like a little girl whenever he is surprised by a spider...
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    Clowns. Ugh.
  • Marley112586
    Marley112586 Posts: 168 Member
    Clowns are not an irrational fear. It is only natural to at LEAST be leary of someone that chooses to dress up like a clown and walk around in public like that. Also, Im deathly afraid of being inside something in water. Boat, anything. My husband used to try to scare me by child locking all the doors and windows and start driving into the lake. Needless to say he doesnt do that anymore.
  • lulu9663
    lulu9663 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm deathly afraid of driving over water. When I was little, my parents thought it was funny to say "Hold your feet up, or you'll drown..." when driving over a bridge. I'll drive over it now, but I try to be in the inside lane so I don't see the water.

    Also afraid of snakes. My dad had a friend with a snake when I was little. He went down in the basement to feed it one day, and it dropped from the rafters and strangled him to death.
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    Everyone makes fun of my two fears. One is a fear of going through pregnancy or even getting pregnant so everything i can do basically i do, do to make sure that doesn't happen. And the second fear is marriage which might happen. My boyfriend and I who have been dating for six years talk about it every once in a while and he jokes around about having someone put me in a cage and pull me down the isle funny thing is that might have to be done... or else my plan is just to one day be like lets get married and go to las vegas or something.

    I would rather face anything else other then these fears although the marriage one like i said i might over come .... some day.
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    Tornadoes...I have nightmares about them ALL the time. Im always trying to hide under my mattress or bed to keep from being sucked in. The worst part is that I'm originally from Seattle (no tornadoes ever) and my husband and I got stationed in a place where they do have them. I dont like taking naps because I am scared I will miss the alarms, and be sleeping when one hits.
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    Farm fowl.

    Chickens, geese, ducks, etc. Why are they so effing angry all the time? I am terrified of being chased by one of the sadistic feathered freaks then I trip and they peck my face off. :embarassed:

    I know the feeling. I was attacked by a rooster once. He jumped on me and started scratching me like crazy!!

    And I have many fears.. I'm afraid of the dark because I dont know whats there, I'm afraid of heights and when i'm on tall buildings I always think they are gonna fall through..Just a couple of mine.
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 67 Member
    Frogs & the Illuminati lol
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Two things. Firstly;
    Crane Flies. Ick. Major ick. Freak me the f**k out.

    and Failure. I hate feeling like I haven't done something absolutely perfectly, whether it be buying presents or presenting an idea at work, or even upsetting someone unintentionally.
  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    Since there was a comment about therapists, and I am one, just wanted to chime in.... If someone is seeking therapeutic services to address a fear, telling the client that their fear is irrational and/or not addressing it would not be part of any evidence-based or best practice intervention.

    That being said.... I used to be afraid of clowns too, but I used therapy techniques (mainly gradual exposure and cognitive) to get over it. I'll never like clowns though lol.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    slugs! really the only thing that freaks me out! I can hold spiders, mice, watch clowns and even be in elevators and caves but if I see a slug I freak out like a crazy person!