My daughters lice is gonna make me fat again! (long)



  • RedJem
    RedJem Posts: 4
    Oh my gosh girl stay strong try to keep your mind, on your goal, if you have to do emergency eating at McDonald's try the Tuscan salad, oomit the dressing or use very little of it,
    Okay now for the little one follow the Tea Tree Oil treatment, lice hate it. You will litterly see them jump off. For the nits use diluted vinegar it will make it easier to comb out. Shampoo yours hair and all other family members of the household with the Tea Tree has we well you at least once a week on all children to keep the crawlers away. Get rid of all pillows and replace with new ones. Try putting all bedding , cusins from chairs and such in plastic bags .use the suction from vacume to completely suck all air out seal and put freezer for 24 hrs.
  • BlessedShauna777
    BlessedShauna777 Posts: 118 Member
    Okay so other than my dr. And her schools have nobody to talk to about this. It is stressing me out and starting to exhaust me. I am spending so much time cleaning house,washing sheets. Spending hours combing out nits, trying every method in the book. Today was olive oil and mayonnaise . Not to mention OTC drugs and chemicals , it cleared up , but came back about 2 weeks ago but it is back again sometimes 2 days after we do a treatment . However now the dr thinks it is resistant to OTC . So she prescribed something, at 4pm today. Kids were exhausted, went to pharmacy, waited 30 min only to find out we had to drive another 20 min to a different pharmacy. Stopped at McDonald s luckily I had not hardly had time to eat today, so I could handled cheeseburger and salad. Got to the other pharmacy waited another 30 min. Had to get home finish washing sheets , put something on my daughters head that is the equivalent of gasoline, i swear . She has to keep it on overnight, so probably won't sleep for fear her head is gonna start on fire. Hubby is out of town for business. I just want this gone, other than the people i have to tell like schools,etc. it is very isolating to have this going on, feels very shameful. I am trying my best I swear.
    Gonna watch a chick flick after kids go to bed and try not to eat a gallon of ice cream.

    I was on such a roll but now this is slowing me down and making me depressed.

    No weapons formed against you shall remain :) Hang in there.
  • momnorg
    momnorg Posts: 40 Member
    Have you cleaned your car friend's daughter had this problem and finally they realized the outbreaks were coming from the head rest in the car. Just a thought. Also there are professional Lice busters that can come into your home and do the cleaning for you. Sounds like you are exhausted and might need someone else to take over.
    Hang in there.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 340 Member
    Been there!! It stinks!! Here is what I have learned:
    1. They don't like dirty hair: too oily for them to stay on.
    2. since my daughter is mixed (black/white) we got a big tub of blue hair magic. It's thick, it's greasy. it doesn't smell like mayo!! Most of all, it works. It smothers them, and then you just comb and apply everyday until they are gone ( like a week ).

    Seriously, it works. How many black people do you know get head lice?
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    It can happen to any of us. I hear blow drying their hair keeps them away.

    Chill out tonight, have a cup of tea, take a hot bath, wath a movie, or have a good cry do what makes you feel okay without heading to the fridge.

    This to shall pass.

    A friend of mine who is a hairdresser and fanatical about her kids having clean hair, was appalled when one of her kids came home with lice. Sometime they just can't be avoided when our kids are in school. Those critters are stubborn and as you are finding out can be really hard to get rid of completely. We are rooting for you and your daughter, hopefully this trial will be over for you all very soon!
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Once you get rid of it... my mom always swore by a tight (VERY TIGHT) French braid and hairspray until my hair was "crunchy." She would tuck the end of the braid up under. I never got them.
    You might also ask if you can clean your daughter's cubby/locker. One of my friends realized THAT is where they kept "coming back" from.... after many clean "Weekends," then sudden sightings after school.
    I am a teacher now, and I am glad braids are back in fashion, because when they started going around school... I resorted to my mom's methods! I've been lucky so far! (I have long hair, and my husband has long, curly hair... it would be a nightmare in our house).
  • Balance27
    Balance27 Posts: 76 Member
    I got head lice last year when four of my students had it. My hair is TTHHIIIIIICCKK and at that time it was mid-back length. I usually have a dry scalp that itches and flakes so I didn't realize I had lice for a while. The OTC shampoos did nothing for me, I would have had to use at least two bottles at the same time.
    Fortunately, there is someone in our area that calls herself the "nit fairy" and is a self-employed nit picker. I called her and had my hair combed out. Three hours (and $250 later) I was nit free. Maybe you have someone like that near you that hopefully charges less.
    She did give me a peppermint spray and a peppermint shampoo that is supposed to be a deterrent. I haven't had a problem since.

    Good luck to you
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    ...i am so sorry for you... we had lice in our household for almost 9...yes NINE months... we have 4 daughters with long hair and it was a nightmare!!
  • nanacoop
    nanacoop Posts: 16 Member
    Years ago I had this problem with my daughter. Lots of long hair. Horrible time. An older lady told me to rinse her hair in vinegar after you shampoo it. Do not rinse the vinegar out. The smell fades quickly. This is a preventative, not a cure. This worked all through grade school.
  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    You have to try Denorex dandruff shampoo. There's one kind that's really good for lice (google it). Leave it on your kids head for a while (it'll burn a long as she can stand it). Also, listerine (google which kind works) and a shower cap. THEN STRAIGHTEN HER HAIR. Fry those suckers. Get really close to the root. It works. Do it as often as you can. This is how I got rid of my sister's head lice (she got it at like 18 years old.. not sure where she picked it up). I also used organix coconut shampoo because I hear they hate the smell (this is probably very optional tho). It really did work and was much easier than buying RID or whatever it's called - which doesn't even work. Good luck. She also drenched her hair in olive oil (it's easy to wash out) and a shower cap under a hat and slept like that. We also put tons of mousse/hair spray in her hair.

    Just wanted to say that we cleaned/vacuumed everything constantly, too. We washed all bedding/pillows/clothes as she took it off. I also did pick out any lice/eggs I could find. Repeat the above as often as you can for a few weeks so you know they won't come back.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My daughter came home with lice a few times when she was in elementary school. We tried OTC chemical preparations, but in the end, nothing cleared it up like good old olive oil. The last time, that's all we used. Saturate the hair and scalp fully, wrap in a plastic bag and sleep with it in.

    Oh, and a tea tree oil shampoo as a preventative. Lice can't stand tea tree oil.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    I suggest you invest in a bamboo comb (it's much more accurate than that crappy plastic one they give you in the OTC medicine box,) and spend as long as it takes combing the lice eggs out of every strand of hair on your daughter's head. Lice (or Ukus- as we call them here in Hawaii) are partial to the nape of the neck and behind-the-ear areas. Make sure you comb thoroughly.

    In addition to cleaning the bedding, towels, and couch cushions (or anywhere else your daughter may have put her head down), sanitize all brushes & combs in your house and throw away any hair ties she used (scrunchies, rubber bands, etc.)

    Also, it would be wise to alert the parents of your daughter's friends. Since young girls often share their brushes and hair ties, it is possible that she got them from a friend who is unaware and remains untreated.

    Good luck and best wishes to you and yours!!
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 266 Member
    A friend of mine was struggling with her daughter and lice, she kept getting them back. Finally found out that the girl her daughter shared a locker with at school had lice and that family did nothing about it. so while the school was sending notes home with her daughter, nothing was done about the other girl. Got daughter a new locker, problem gone.

    All that to suggest you check with the school, is she sharing a cubbie/locker/desk/table or anything with someone who is not being treated.
  • andreajramsey
    andreajramsey Posts: 6 Member
    I'v dealt with this issue when my children were younger. Please read the following link to get a better idea of what your dealing with and how to remedy this.
    I must stress that ALL of the nits must be removed from the hair. It is a time consuming process but it is the only way to get rid of the lice.
    Best of luck to you.
  • Thankfully my daughter has never come home with the problem. When I hear about it going around the school I break out my special shampoo, conditioner and spray. Has worked very well for me. Hopefully this site will help you understand more about it so when you do get thru you might have some ideas to prevent your daughter from suffering it again.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I remember getting nits from a cousin, it was very stressful... my mom had to stay home and comb through my hair every day, bomb the house, bag the bedding and all that. Eventually wound up cutting a foot and a half of hair off my head :( Best of luck! Lice is tough!
  • My daughter had it for EVER. We tried everything and it always came back. Finally we met a dr who gave us a script for Bactrim which is a simple antibiotic. She took a teaspoon twice a day for 7 days and we havent seen any since. The Dr says there is something in this antibiotic that the lice cant stand. Ask your dr about it if you continue to have a problem. It worked great for us. Good luck.
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    Dont' forget to treat car seats and everything your head touches. It sucks.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Comb her hair out with cheap suave coconut conditioner and a decent nit comb. It is most likely not your dd that is still infested but picking up the lice over and over again from some other kid at school whos parents are not doing a darn thing about it. Use the nit comb every day for a week with the conditioner, it gums up their legs so they cant run off while you comb. Blow dry her hair daily or use a straightening iron. The lice and nits will make a popping sizzling sounds when they get hit with the straightening iron.

    An adult louse must feed on the same blood type that they were born on, If they hatch on a A and jump to a B and eat their guts explode and they will die. The only way for lice to be transfered from different blood types is for a pregnant louse to jump to a new person and lay eggs before she eats. The new lice can eat the new blood type but if they try and just to a person with a different one they will die.

    I will stress again it is more likely some other kid reinfecting her. Blow dry her hair, braid it, put it up in a little bun and then spray the heck out of it with hair spray. Do not let her share hats or jackets with any other kids. It would be a better idea if the teacher put every kids bag and coat in a seperate trash bag so the lice wont be spread in the coat room.

    Try not to use any more pesticides on them, the lice will get so resistant nothing will kill them. One that I've had good luck with is LiceMD, it has no chemicals in it.

    But the above advice is the best in this thread. Simply use normal conditioner, glop it on and let it stay for 10-15 minutes, then comb it out until nothing else is picked up on the nit comb. Do this EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for 2 weeks. You will get all the live ones and all the eggs as they hatch.

    Also seal up any stuffed animals and toys in garbage bags 2 for those 2 weeks. Anything on it will be dead by then.

    Hot hot hot dryer will kill anything on pillows, blankets, etc.

    Good luck!!

    Been there and done that in agonizing detail...months of battles sometimes until we discovered the above method.

    I do mean we tried everything...Nix, prescription, olive oil, mineral oil, mayo, tea tree oil....I even gave up and shaved my son's head when he was young. The conditioner works best however and is least painful for everyone.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Have you tried isopropyl alcohol, aka rubbing alcohol?

    I had lice as a teen. I picked it up from some kids I was babysitting. I tried all the shampoos and nit picking combs, and it didn't work. I read the thing about the rubbing alcohol and it worked. It kills the eggs. The trick is to put it in a spray bottle, and just spray all the upholstery: couches, car seats, beds, etc. You can also spray it on your head as long as you don't get it in your eyes. You could put a blindfold on your daughter and spray her head with it.

    It's cheap, and if you haven't tried it yet, its worth a shot. It is flammable though. :) It dries quickly.

    Good luck!