Too few calories issue.

When I first started I was only eating 1200 calories. I was set to lose 2lb a week. I lost three my first week. Then after reading posts from people I thought that I should slow down my weight loss. So now i'm at 1390 calories. I'm set to lose 1lb per week. I haven't lost a single ounce this week. Besides that, i'm having to force myself to eat past my fullness to get that many calories. Before I started MFP I only ate like once a day, which I know is horrible, now i'm eating like 5 times a day, but i'm still around 200 cals below my daily goal, and thats without exercise!! What should I do?


  • SublimelyMe
    I think the key is to eat healthy higher calorie foods, like adding some almonds or some peanut butter? You don't need to be frugal with your calories, so enjoy them!
  • lewdug
    lewdug Posts: 17
    She's right. There are healthy higher-calorie options. Try eating honey and peanut butter with whole grain bread so you get the fiber, natural sugars, and protein all together. Other things that are good are Balance bars or Luna bars. Odwalla bars are good, too. They're healthy meal substitutes, but there's nothing bad about using them as a snack, especially if you're trying to eat more frequently and eat less at each meal. Also, Greek yogurt is great, too, since it has so much protein. Oh, and eat avocados. Those are very good for you. It has good fasts in it. So do nuts. Moderation is key, though. Also, if you're having difficulty getting calories, you CAN drink things like milk to up your calorie-intake without really eating. Plus, milk is known to help weight loss. Don't eat below at least 1200 calories a day; you really need those calories. Not eating enough of them can actually make your metabolism slow.