Antibiotics cause gain?



  • peaceloveweedandveggies
    Try taking a probiotic. Antibiotics get rid of the good stuff as well as the bad. I started taking them and lost like 5 lbs quick of extra water weight.
  • Aitm20
    Aitm20 Posts: 92 Member
    YES THEY DO! When I first started dieting I found myself gaining weight instead of losing. O was about to throw in the towel and so frustrated. Turns out it was the antibiotics I was on....
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I started taking Cipro four days ago due to a kidney infection. I'm retaining more water due to my kidney's not functioning properly and also having an inflammed system doesn't help but I do think Cipro is playing a part. Once you're off them you should be fine!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, I really beleive they are causing water weight now. I'm pretty anal about weighing myself every morning and I can almost tell you what my weight will be the nite before lol. I wish I could just throw the scale in the trash anyways, it causes all kinds of problems that I know but can't stop. I have literally had a change in mood after weighing myself in the morning lol. So any increase causes me to wander why.

    :( Now what would you tell a young girl to do if she said this to you? ^^ Put it in the trunk of your car and do not get it out but every 2 weeks to weigh, or throw it away. It sounds like the scale is toxic for you.

    I wanted to warn you that I had some SERIOUS gastro side effects on Cipro a few months back. And yes, you should be drinking a crap load of water with it so you will gain the weight. It will go away a few days to a week after you stop your cycle.

    Good luck and as a former scale addict, I do plea with you to figure something out. I made myself not weigh for 3 weeks at a time when I was in weight loss mode and it changed my life at the time. I was weighing not only every day, all day, after I peed even! It is not healthy to be that obsessed.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Try taking a probiotic. Antibiotics get rid of the good stuff as well as the bad. I started taking them and lost like 5 lbs quick of extra water weight.

    Do not take a probiotic until after the cycle is complete. The antibiotic kills the probiotic and it is a waste. :smile:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I've always either maintained or lost weight while on antibiotics, but that's just cause I was sick. I've not had water weight gain at all, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. What kind of antibiotic are you on? some of the stronger antibiotics, water weight gain could be a sign of kidney issues and should be brought to the attention of your doctor. If you can keep it down, try eating yogurt or take a probiotic of your choice.
  • Bella0025
    Bella0025 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so happy to see this is a common side effect of Cipro. I was getting pretty concerned. I am up 4.2 lbs from a 5 day treatment and feel horrible. My last day was yesterday and I think I'm even a little more bloated today than I have been. My stomach is so distended I want to cry. I have been taking my probiotics faithfully and they don't even seem to be helping. I'll just be patient and hope it goes away soon.
  • rie2323
    rie2323 Posts: 1
    I am currently on 2 different antibiotics (spider bite), and my weight is steadily climbing! I have at least another week on these things!!! Is there something to take to counter act the "water retention"? I'm eating less and drinking more water already!! #feelingfrustrated#
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    just finishing a course of antibiotics (amoxi) for a gum infection, not caused any issues with me.
  • richcole14