SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo...May 18

mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
Good morning Pebbles!
Even though I am still sick, I am trying to be in a good mood and motivated. :smile: I may start logging food again (as long as it doesn't take too long to do it) and I'm getting back into an exercise routine. I weighed myself and I have 24 pounds to go, which seems impossible at the moment. I am going to focus on a mini goal of 5 pounds which will put me in the 140's again and also out of the 20+ pounds to lose.
Today's goals are:
push ups
sit ups
a walk
start cleaning on the house for a move in about 6 weeks

A couple of personal notes (which you can skip if you like): Alex is indeed allergic to our cat. He played with her last night, so he went to bed with a rash on his face and it is still swollen this morning. I feel like I should get rid of the cat but she's 16 (in great health) and I've had her since she was 6 months old! I can't get rid of her.
The other note is that we might be seeing some changes in the adoption process. We talked it about it all day yesterday and we still want to adopt from Russia. People from church gave us over $400 yesterday (one was for car repairs we did and the other was just because!)! We realized the reason we haven't taken the plunge yet is lack of faith so we prayed together last night. This morning we heard from the lady who did our home study (out of the blue) and she has the rough draft ready to go. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.
Anyway, that's it in the world of Mel. I hope we have some news soon. Usually things happen all at once so I am assuming we are moving, going to Russia and I'm going to lose 24 pounds by the middle of July. :laugh: Hey I can dream right?
Thanks for reading! Have a blessed Monday! I will be back later to check in with what I actually got done today!


  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi MM! Sorry about Alex and the cat. And good luck with everything else you have going on!

    I am finally getting back to a normal routine today. Work, a post-lunch walk, and then pushups (I skipped last week) and jogging if my knee seems okay. Otherwise elliptical or more walking. My parents are coming on Thursday so I have a lot of cleaning to do - I just couldn't quite work up the energy over the weekend to do a whole lot. But we did make it out on a short hike, at least.

    Spring frost (yep, frost) boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    MM - please do not give your cat to a shelter. It's a death sentence at 16. If you have a family member willing, give it to them. If not, chances are the cat won't live more than 2-3 more years. You can always bathe the cat :laugh: - really, it's supposed to help with allergies. There are also these wipes you can get a petsmart that help. Chances are Alex is allergic to other things as well - so you might want to start planning for that. Allergy shots are about $20 a shot and go for 5 years - unless you have insurance that covers it.

    Frost? :noway:

    We did backbends yesterday - it felt good to do something well in the workshop - though I'm not nearly strong enough. I had to come out of the poses earlier than most. I'll be happy to sit in my teacher's class once again tonight. Bike ride in order today as well. Dang cat broke a screen on our porch, so I'll have to fix that today (or call someone to fix it - I'm not that handy, so it would be a staple gun and mesh).

    Beautiful day boogalooo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    MM - please do not give your cat to a shelter. It's a death sentence at 16. If you have a family member willing, give it to them. If not, chances are the cat won't live more than 2-3 more years. You can always bathe the cat :laugh: - really, it's supposed to help with allergies. There are also these wipes you can get a petsmart that help. Chances are Alex is allergic to other things as well - so you might want to start planning for that. Allergy shots are about $20 a shot and go for 5 years - unless you have insurance that covers it.
    Oh, I couldn't give my cat to a shelter. I don't have the heart to do that. She will stay with me. Alex doesn't have a problem with her as long as he doesn't bury his face in her fur. He is allergic to a lot of stuff. He may be allergic to dogs but he's not around them enough for us to prove that.
    Well, I went for a walk (only 1.5 miles) and then I came back and pulled weeds for an hour. I was sitting most of the time so I am only giving myself 1/2 an hour. I will do push ups, sit ups and squats after lunch. I may have to take a day off tomorrow. :tongue: But it's good to be back in the groove again.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, I amazed myself today. I went jogging on the treadmill for the first time in over a week. I was going a little slower because of my knee, so I thought, "I should try to run farther." I've been doing 3.5 miles because that is the length of the race that I am running at the end of the month. I RAN 5 MILES!!! And, from the 1.75 to 2.75 mile markers, I ran at 7mph - an 8:34 mile according to the treadmill. Of course, as soon as I stopped, my knee started saying, "what were you thinking??" - but I am still really proud that I could do it.

    AD, if you're around - is there anything I should be doing about my knee? It doesn't generally hurt while I am exercising, or not much - but then afterward it will hurt more going up and down stairs, etc.

    I still have pushups to do tonight, but I had to share!