Now I feel guilty :(

Its been almost 3 months, 41 pounds lost and doing great...but tonight I snaped and cheated. I had a local fast food craving with chicken quesadila's, fries and nuggets. Im still under my calorie, fat, protein and such for today, but I feel horrible for screwing up and cheating! Will this really affect me in a negative way???


  • Hjbaker
    Hjbaker Posts: 165 Member
    Only if you let it! I say good on you for all the hard yards you have put in. If you only blow out occasionally then oh well, no one is perfect all the time.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It depends - are you planning to eat this way for every meal in the future, or do you have some healthier choices sometimes?

    One meal is definitely not going to "ruin everything".... it just means you ate differently today than yesterday. If you are still under
    your calorie allowance you probably need to eat more today.

    So, I don't see the issue and I'm not sure who you are cheating?
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    meh ... shrug it off and move on. You didn't get overweight from 1 day of eating poorly so you shouldn't stress about having a cheat day. It'll only affect you in a negative way if you want it to. Pat yourself on the back for what you've already accomplished and tomorrow you get back on the saddle. No need to beat yourself up for one day.
  • mm357403
    mm357403 Posts: 8
    I agree, but I set a goal of 50 pounds lost before I could cheat. If I cans till loose some pounds this week, I will be ok :)
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    No! Relax and move on from this. If this is a one time thing: no big deal! If it becomes a habit, then it might become a problem.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I agree, but I set a goal of 50 pounds lost before I could cheat. If I cans till loose some pounds this week, I will be ok :)

    Fair enough... but it's done now. Don't waste energy stressing about it - put that energy to good use and plan some healthy meals for the next few days.

    PS. you've done a great job so far, keep up the good work. And don't be too hard on yourself, you need to find a way to eat that will last a lifetime, not just for while you are on a "diet". If that means eating quesadillas sometimes... sounds good to me!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You're under your calorie goal, so you're fine as far as weight loss goes. I'm concerned that food/treating yourself makes you feel guilty, though.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    The odd cheat meal isn't going to ruin everything if you don't let it. Let it be just that, a cheat meal and go back to normal at the next meal :)
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    We're so hard on ourselves. Congratulations on your success so far...that's the only thing to keep your mind on. What's done is done and maybe looking at it like a planned "cheat" instead of a terrible moment of weakness will help. Tomorrow is a new day and it's so helpful to me to remember why I started this journey to begin with. Remind yourself of all the moments your great choices made you feel fantastic and got you to where you are today. The only negative effect it can have is when we guilt ourselves into quitting.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Don't call it "cheating." everyone has days where they overindulge. You can't expect to go the rest of your life completely avoiding these foods.

    It is all about moderation and learning a healthier lifestyle.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I think feeling guilty after eating something we shouldn't is a good thing. Before I started this I never felt any guilt after eating anything. I could stuff my face and not care. The fact that you felt guilt shows just how much progress you have made. Just don't make a habit of it. You know how it made you try not to let it happen again. Just do better tomorrow.
  • I just had my birthday this month and I fell off the wagon, big time. Just let it go and start fresh tomorrow. Most of us on MFP ate bad like that all the time to get to the point where we needed to lose weight. One bad day compared to all those consecutive bad days is nothing. If you're like me, going off the diet now makes you feel physically horrible for a couple days. You can take that sick feeling you have now and use it later to remind yourself how binge eating isn't worth it. and how important your diet is to your continued good health.
  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    You said "Im still under my calorie, fat, protein and such for today".

    How is this such a tragedy?
  • geocachelinda
    geocachelinda Posts: 5 Member
    If you are under how is it a bad thing? I think it should be ok to have a treat once in a while!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you stayed under your calorie goal, you're all good. There's nothing wrong with having an indulgent meal once in a while.
  • Hi.... that wasn't a cheat, hon. That was a treat. Even on a diet we have to treat ourselves now and again. Look at the awesome job you have done. Don't let one day get you down. Get back on that horse tomorrow and ride...
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    It really really won't. I know the feeling but now that I am finished I look back at those days where I did feel guilty and it never amounted to any weight gain or any set backs and I feel silly for all the stress it put me through. In fact, I even posted on here exactly like you did looking for guidance. As long as you don't fall into a habit of doing it it's OK. Spike days here and there are good.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Its been almost 3 months, 41 pounds lost and doing great...but tonight I snaped and cheated. I had a local fast food craving with chicken quesadila's, fries and nuggets. Im still under my calorie, fat, protein and such for today, but I feel horrible for screwing up and cheating! Will this really affect me in a negative way???

    You should still be okay if you behave the rest of the week. :) More than once I've lost despite a cheat day in there (sometimes, two :blushing: )
  • I agree, but I set a goal of 50 pounds lost before I could cheat. If I cans till loose some pounds this week, I will be ok :)

    It's this whole 'cheating' attitude that'll get you back into trouble! If you eat healthily the majority of the time, why not have something less healthy and count it into your daily allowance? If you deny yourself some hedonism once in a while, you're only cheating yourself out of enjoying food AS A WHOLE.

    I'm not saying 'only enjoy "bad" foods.' I'm saying enjoy whatever food goes into your mouth, but enjoy it because you have control over what you eat and when you eat it. The fact you're not over your calories etc for the day indicates that you've controlled this hedonistic eat and that makes it very definitely not a cheat!

    Hey, I ate a homemade key lime pie today (a mini one!) cost me 400cals. I enjoyed every mouthful and I KNOW I earned it ;)
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Its been almost 3 months, 41 pounds lost and doing great...but tonight I snaped and cheated. I had a local fast food craving with chicken quesadila's, fries and nuggets. Im still under my calorie, fat, protein and such for today, but I feel horrible for screwing up and cheating! Will this really affect me in a negative way???

    cmon dude! You REALLY don't feel guilty! Seriously just ENJOY YOUR SUCCESS! Every once in a while its ok to cheat. dont even trip.